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Change a business owner FAQ

Available for the following plan: Free, Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Employee, Manager, Admin


How can I change a business owner in Employment Hero?


You will need to speak to the support team to change the business owner. See the steps below for instructions on how to use Hero AI to speak to a support agent.

How to access a support agent
  1. Log into Employment Hero.
  2. On the Dashboard, click on the Get Help button.
    Click on the Get Help button
  3. Click on the Support Chat option.
    Click on support chat
  4. A Hero Bot chat window will pop up. Please outline that you wish to change the owner in your platform and need to speak to an agent. You will then be required to provide the applicable approvals.
What is required for support to action change of ownership?

To action the request, the support team need the following approvals:

  1. The existing owner needs to outline the name and account email of the user the 'owner' role should be moved to. This new owner needs to already have an 'Employee' profile within the platform.
  2. If the current owner is not contactable, then we can instead use the approval from two platform admins. In this case, we need them to outline the name and account email of the existing owner and then outline the name and account email of the user the role will be moved to.

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