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Manage employing entities

Available for the following HR plans: Free, Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access level: Admin    

As your organisation changes, you may need to update key details like business numbers or set up new employing entities to manage different business units. An employing entity represents a distinct business unit within your organisation, each with its own location, name, and business number.

Any changes you make here will automatically apply across the platform, ensuring that your company’s information stays accurate and up-to-date for all users.


If you have integrated with a payroll platform, first create the employing entity there. Only add an employing entity in the HR platform if it is an overseas entity not linked to payroll. See this article for payroll platform instructions.

Manage data

Add an employing entity
  1. Click the   Settings menu.
  2. Click the Company Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Employing Entities button.
  4. Click the Add button.
    screenshot of the employing entities page. to the left of the screen you have the options company details, company address, employment settings, employing entities. employing entities is selected. on the screen reads employing entities. an employing entity is the legal name that is displayed on documents such as employment contracts and pay slips. below is an add button highlighted in red. below that is a table of company names vertically. horizontally they are sorted by name, country, business number, default entry status and action option.
  5. Complete the following fields:
    • Name.
    • Country.
    • Business Number.

    Helpful Hint

    The business number, also known as the Company Registration Number, is an eight-number long code. However, if your number does not have eight numbers, add leading zeros to make sure it saves successfully.

    • Set as default employing entity.
  6. Click the Save button.
    screenshot of the pop up displayed for entering a new employing entity. the fields to complete are name, country, business number, if this is default employing entity, and cancel or save buttons.
  7. The employing entity will automatically be enabled, meaning you can add employees to this entity.

Edit data

Edit an employing entity
  1. Click the   Settings menu.
  2. Click the Company Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Employing Entities button.
  4. Click the Actions button.
  5. Click the   Edit Entity button.
    screenshot of the employing entities page. to the left of the screen you have the options company details, company address, employment settings, employing entities. employing entities is selected. on the screen reads employing entities. an employing entity is the legal name that is displayed on documents such as employment contracts and pay slips. below is an add button. below that is a table of company names vertically. horizontally they are sorted by name, country, business number, default entry status and action option. the action button for the first company entry is highlighted in red giving the option to edit the entry
  6. Make the required changes and click the Save button.
    screenshot of the pop up displayed for editing a employing entity. the fields to complete are name, country, business number, if this is default employing entity, and cancel or save buttons.

Enable data

Enable an employing entity


The option to enable an employing entity is only available when an entity has previously been disabled. 

  1. Click the   Settings menu.
  2. Click the Company Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Employing Entities button.
  4. Click the Actions button.
  5. Click the   Enable button.
    screenshot of the employing entities page. to the left of the screen you have the options company details, company address, employment settings, employing entities. employing entities is selected. on the screen reads employing entities. an employing entity is the legal name that is displayed on documents such as employment contracts and pay slips. below is an add button. below that is a table of company names vertically. horizontally they are sorted by name, country, business number, default entry status and action option. the action button for the first company entry is highlighted in red giving the option to enable the entry

Remove data

Delete an employing entity


The option to delete an Employing Entity is only available when an entity has no assigned employees.

  1. Click the   Settings menu.
  2. Click the Company Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Employing Entities button.
  4. Click the Actions button.
  5. Click the   Delete button.
    screenshot of the employing entities page. to the left of the screen you have the options company details, company address, employment settings, employing entities. employing entities is selected. on the screen reads employing entities. an employing entity is the legal name that is displayed on documents such as employment contracts and pay slips. below is an add button. below that is a table of company names vertically. horizontally they are sorted by name, country, business number, default entry status and action option. the action button for the first company entry is highlighted in red giving the option to delete the entry
  6. Click the Delete button.
    screenshot of pop up asking you to confirm are you sure you want to remove this employing entity? cancel? delete?
Disable an employing entity


The option to disable an employing entity is only available when an entity has assigned employees.

  1. Click the   Settings menu.
  2. Click the Company Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Employing Entities button.
  4. Click the Actions button.
  5. Click the Disable button.
    screenshot of the employing entities page. to the left of the screen you have the options company details, company address, employment settings, employing entities. employing entities is selected. on the screen reads employing entities. an employing entity is the legal name that is displayed on documents such as employment contracts and pay slips. below is an add button. below that is a table of company names vertically. horizontally they are sorted by name, country, business number, default entry status and action option. the action button for the first company entry is highlighted in red giving the option to disable the entry

Move data

Move employee to another employing entity
  1. Log into Employment Hero.
  2. Click the  People option on the left-hand side menu.
  3. Click the Employees List option.
  4. Select the employee whose details you need to update.
  5. Click the Employment details tab.
  6. Click the  Edit button.
    Screenshot of employee file screen, highlighting details tab and edit button
  7. Use the Employing entity dropdown menu to choose the entity that the employee is employed by.

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