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Manage daily hour-based timesheets

Available for the following HR plans: Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following Payroll plans: Standard, Premium
Available for the following user access levels: Admin   

The HR Manager Timesheet feature enables the approval or rejection of timesheets in bulk or individually. It also allows managers to edit or delete entries as needed.

To activate this feature, you must enable Start and End Times based on Daily Entries. For more information on setting this up, please see this article.

Getting started

Submit start and end times for an employee


When you submit a timesheet for an employee, the platform will automatically approve the timesheet.

  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Timesheets Management submenu.
  3. Click the Add New Timesheet button.
  4. Complete the following fields:
    • Date
    • Start time
    • End time
    • Employee
    • Work type
    • Cost centre
  5. Click the Break button.
  6.  Complete the following fields:
    • Start time
    • End time
  7. If required, add a comment.
  8. Click the Save button.

Approve and decline timesheets

Approve timesheets
  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Timesheets Management submenu.
  3. Use the tick box to select each timesheet that needs approval.
  4. Click the Approve Selected button.
Decline timesheets
  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Timesheets Management submenu.
  3. Use the tick box to select each timesheet that needs declining.
  4. Click the Declined Selected button.
  5. Type in a reason for declining the timesheet.
  6. Click the Decline button.

Daily activities

The below premise will walk you through how to filter, view, edit, and delete an employee timesheet.

Filter timesheets
  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Timesheets Management submenu.
  3. In the Timesheets Approval section, use the following fields to filter your employee timesheet requests:
    • Date range
    • Employee
    • Cost centre
    • Work type
    • Group by
    • Status:
      • Pending timesheets
      • Approved timesheets
      • Declined timesheets
      • All
  4. Click the Run Report button.
Viewing submitted timesheets


The ability to view a timesheet is only available if payroll has processed the timesheet in a pay run. Use the Clock symbol to see the payroll status of the timesheet. You can access further information on the meaning of the clock symbol in this article section Definitions: Symbols.

  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Timesheets Management submenu.
  3. Click the View Details button.

    Helpful Hint

    You will now see the details of the timesheet on your screen.


Editing Data

Edit an employee's timesheet


The ability to edit a timesheet is only available if payroll has not processed the timesheet in a pay run. Use the Clock symbol to see the payroll status of the timesheet. You can access further information on the meaning of the clock symbol in this article section Definitions: Symbols.

  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Timesheets Management submenu.
  3. Click the Action button.
  4. Click the Edit button.
  5. Make the required changes and click the Save button.

Deleting Data

Delete an employee's timesheet


The ability to delete a timesheet is only available if payroll has not processed the timesheet in a pay run. Use the Clock symbol to see the payroll status of the timesheet. You can access further information on the meaning of the clock symbol in this article section Definitions: Symbols.

  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Timesheets Management submenu.
  3. Click the Action button.
  4. Click the Delete button.
  5. Click the OK button.

Further information

Definitions: Timesheet status
Pending A manager needs to approve the timesheet.
Approved A manager has approved the timesheet.
Declined A manager has rejected the timesheet.
Definitions: Clock messages
Created at Provides a timestamp of the timesheet creation date
Synced at Provides a timestamp of when the timesheet tried to sync with Employment Hero Payroll
Sync successful Determines whether the synchronisation of the timesheet between Employment Hero and Employment Hero Payroll has been successful
Edited at Provides a timestamp of the last edit done to the timesheet after a previous Employment Hero Payroll synchronisation attempt
Definitions: Symbols
Icon Name  Description
  Blue clock Used for approved, pending, or declined timesheets that have not synchronised with Employment Hero Payroll
  Green clock Used for approved timesheets that have synchronised with Employment Hero Payroll
  Red clock Used for approved timesheets that has not synchronised with Employment Hero Payroll
  Orange clock Used for pending, approved, or declined timesheets that have had changes made to them after being synchronised with Employment Hero Payroll
  Message This means the employer has left a note regarding this timesheet.

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