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How to view your recognition

Available for the following HR classic plans: Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following plans: Employment Lite, Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following User Access levels: Employee    , Manager    , Admin    

Recognition allows employers to reward employees who go above and beyond in their role. With our HR platform we link each recognition to one of your organisation's company values. This not only celebrates performance but also reinforces company values. The My Recognition feature lets you view and download certificates for all approved recognitions you have received and sent within your organisation.

Daily activity

View recognition details
  1. Click the Engagement menu.
  2. Click the Recognition submenu.
  3. Click the Received or Sent tab.
  4. Click the Actions drop-down menu, then select View Details.
  5. You will now see the details of the recognition on your screen. recognition02.jpg

Data management

Download a recognition certificate


You can only download a recognition certificate showing an approved status.

  1. Click the   Recognition menu.
  2. Click the My Recognition submenu.
  3. Click the Received or Sent tab.
  4. Click the Actions   button.
  5. Click the   Download Certificate button.

Explore related content

  • Employee recognition reporting This feature allows you to create a report on which employees are sending and receiving recognition within your organisation.
  • Giving employee recognition This feature allows you to post a public message showcasing a coworker who lives up to your organisation's values.
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