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Managing roster unavailability as an employee | HR Web Platform

The Rostering module in the HR platform has an Employee Unavailability feature that allows you to enter the date and time you will be unavailable for a shift. You can also use this feature to edit the unavailability details if they change and delete a record if it is no longer required.


You can only access this feature if you have integrated your Employment Hero HR platform with our payroll platform.

Daily activity

Set my unavailability
  1. Click the   Time menu.
  2. Click the Rosters submenu.
  3. Click on the date that needs an unavailability shift added.
  4. Enter your unavailability information and click the Save button.

Edit or changing my data

Edit my unavailability
  1. Click the   Time menu.
  2. Click the Rosters submenu.
  3. Click on the unavailable shift that needs editing.
  4. Make the required changes and click the Save button.

Deleting data

Delete my unavailability
  1. Click the   Time menu.
  2. Click the Rosters submenu.
  3. Click on the unavailable shift that needs deleting.
  4. Click the Delete button.
  5. Click the OK button.

Author recommended

So you have now managed your unavailability and you are now wondering, what next can I do. There are two recommendations I would make on this front and they are:

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