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How do I manage my organisation's open beta features via the HR platform?

Available for the following HR plans: Free, Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Admin    

Employment Hero will occasionally release a new feature into open beta. What this release into open beta means is our product team has a workable new feature, however it needs some fine-tuning before it becomes part of the standard product offering of the HR platform. You can opt into these open beta features, however, you need to know that:

  • We have not included these Open beta features in our standard HR product offering, i.e. they are not polished or completed.
  • Customers join at their own discretion, i.e. it may not solve all your problems as it is an open beta feature.
  • If there are limitations and/or issues of an open beta feature, then Employment Hero will not address them as urgently as a standard product offering from the HR platform.


Because open beta features are constantly being revised, they may look different and/or have different functionality when included into our standard HR product offering. Please note that we appreciate any feedback regarding open beta features, but also understand that if you encounter any bugs, we do not prioritise these as normal defects submitted to support.

Getting started

Enable an open beta feature
  1. Click the Beta Flask drop-down.
  2. Click on the open beta feature you want to enable for your organisation.
  3. Click the Yes, Count Me In button.

Remove data

Disable an open beta feature
  1. Click the Beta Flask drop-down.
  2. Click on the open beta feature you want to disable for your organisation.
  3. Click the Yes, Opt Me Out button.

Further information

What open-beta features are available?
AIO Shift Conditions Award cost

Previously, Keypay connected organizations calculated shift costs using a simple formula: employee salary per hour multiplied by hours worked. This method didn't account for penalty rates or other pay conditions. By switching on this feature the Keypay costing engine will calculate shift costs, factoring in penalty rates and overtime, and you can click on the roster shift to see the cost breakdown.

Category exact matching for inclusion tba
Email templates. The open beta feature will introduce the ability to customise three of the HR platform's default emails. You can read further details in the following article.
Employee Approvals and Requisitions tba
Employee happiness survey feedback loop. This open beta feature allows you to comment on an employee's happiness survey response. You can read further details in the following article.
Enable legacy Organisation Chart

This open beta feature will add a new organisation chart layout and some additional features.

HR PY Experience Swag If you use both HR and payroll, this feature will allow you to set up your business so that you can provide your employees access to HR features such as HR documents, Certifications, Policies and many more, while also having access to features that you were familiar with on WorkZone such as Clocking In/Out with Timesheets, Rostering, Unavailability, Expenses and Leave. article.
Pay inclusion mapping review filter tba
Pay inclusion for Account mapping - new flow tba
Prevent negative leave balances. The open beta feature allows you to prevent an employee from submitting a leave request if it goes into a negative balance. You can read further details in the following article.
Rostering Positions

Larger organizations often need more specificity, such as role and location-based filtering, to limit employee selection during shift creation. This feature enables you to roster by role (e.g., a Consultant role) rather than by individual employee.

Weekly Timesheets with Start/End Times The open beta feature adds a new weekly timesheet type for your organisation to use. You can read further details in the following article.
Work Site Management

Larger organizations often need more specificity, such as role and location-based filtering, to limit employee selection during shift creation. In the Settings > Work Sites (new) section, with this feature employers can now create Work Sites with Rostering Positions.

Enable legacy organisation chart

This open beta feature will add a new organisation chart layout and some additional features.

New document widget in Employee Vision

Merges the ”HR Documents” and “Uploaded Documents” tabs into a single, unified area.

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