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Requesting leave when connected to Xero via the HR platform

Available for the following HR plans: Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Employee    , Manager    , Admin    

Employees need to submit leave requests when you need to take time off or when you have a Dr's appointment. Leave requests allow your manager to see your time off request, gauge the impact on your team, and then approve the result if there are no project or team conflicts.

You can use the HR platform Request Leave feature to see your latest leave balance, and if you have the balance required, submit a time off request. The feature also allows you to edit the time you take on a particular day. i.e., if you are only taking three hours off for a Dr's appointment, you can edit your leave request to reflect the fact it was only three hours taken, not your full working day.

Helpful Hint

If you need to see if your leave request conflicts with your coworkers, you can check who has approved leave through the Upcoming Event feed on the mobile app. To read further details on this feature, please refer to this article.

Daily activity

Request leave
  1. Click on the Time menu.
  2. Click on the Leave submenu.
  3. Click the Create Leave Request button.
  4. Complete the following fields:
    • Leave category.
    • Start date.
    • End date.
    • Comment.
  5. Click the Add Document button to add any required files.

    Helpful Hint

    You can use the Arrow button to display the leave details for each month.


    The total hours taken for each day depends on the employment settings that your company has set. Part-time employees will need to check the auto-populated value for each day to make sure their leave request displays their correct hours.


    If you only need to take a half day off work, then you can edit the value within the Hours field, i.e., instead of nominating eight hours for a full day of leave, you can nominate four hours for a half day of leave. Another use where you would edit the Hours field is if you submitted a leave request, and your organisation processed this submission in a pay run, but you did not end up taking the time off.

    The ability to edit or delete a leave request is only available if the payroll platform has not processed the leave request within a pay run and imported the pay slips into the HR platform. So once your payroll admin processes this submission in a pay run, you will need to create a new leave request on a different day and enter negative hours into the Hours field; i.e., instead of 7.5 hours on the 22nd, you would instead enter -7.5 hours for the 23rd.

  6. Click the Submit button.

Further information

Projected leave visibility

The calculation used by the HR platform to determine an employees' projected leave balance depends on what you selected within the employees' pay details. To see the details on who can see their projected leave balance, refer to the table below.


The feature does not apply to part-time employees and only applies to full-time employees.


Full-time employees will need a Xero pay rate set as per hour, per week, per fortnight, or per annum as their current salary and have submitted no timesheets within the last two months. They must also have a leave category set as paid, as projected leave does not work for unpaid leave categories.

Settings Enabled/Disabled Projected Leave Visible
Custom work hours enabled Timesheet type Full-time employees Part-time employees
Enabled Use timesheets for exceptions only. Yes No
Disabled Use timesheets for exceptions only. Yes No
Enabled Do not use timesheets. Yes No
Disabled Do not use timesheets. Yes No
Enabled Use timesheets to submit all time worked. No No
Disabled Use timesheets to submit all time worked. No No
Enabled Use timesheets for exceptions only. No No
Disabled Use timesheets for exceptions only. No No
Enabled Do not use timesheets. No No
Disabled Do not use timesheets. No No

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