As an employee, your organisation may require you to clock in out of the premises as part of their workforce management processes. This allows your organisation to tell when you started work, took a break and when you left for the day and also simplifies the way you to need to submit the hours you worked to your organisation.
The Clock Me In feature (Note: If you are looking for the Clock Me In iPad app rather than the Clock Me In feature, visit Apple's App Store) allows an employee to submit their start and end shift times and log any breaks they have taken during their working hours. The feature also allows an employee to change their work type and location if needed, and add any required notes to their clock in submission.
Payroll Plan: | Standard | Premium |
Getting started
The following premises will walk you through how you can submit your hours worked.
Author recommended
So you have now clocked in or out via the app and you are now wondering what next can I do. There are two recommendations I would make on this front and they are:
- Clock Me In FAQ: As an Employee, How Do I Reset my Forgotten Pin Code This FAQ runs through a common question we get around resetting a forgotten Clock Me In pin code.
- Clock Me In FAQ: As an Employee, How Do I Log In for the First Time This FAQ runs through a common question we get around how an employee logs in the Clock Me In app for the first time.