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CMN.ATO.Auth.008 STP Lodgement Error via the payroll platform


Type. Feature. Error Number. Error Name.
STP Lodgement error. Payroll event. CMN.ATO.AUTH.008 You are not authorised to submit this lodgement for the client.


If you are a registered tax/BAS agent.

The error means you have not connected the tax/BAS agent account with the relevant business account. You cannot rectify this within the payroll platform. Instead, it requires logging into your Access Manager platform or the Tax/BAS Agent platform. Then make sure you have listed your business as a client and the agent has enough permissions for that business to file STP.

If you are an intermediary for multiple-employing entities.

The entity acting as the intermediary does not have the required authorisation to be the intermediary. You cannot rectify this within the payroll platform, rather, it requires you to log into your Access Manager platform. You need to make sure you have listed your business as a client and the intermediary has sufficient permissions for that business to undertake the lodgement of your STP.


If you are a registered tax/BAS agent.

The ATO prescribes several methods of rectifying this:

  • Link the business to your Registered Agent Number (RAN) using the client update service or the ATO platform. Sometimes, it may take overnight to process your request.
  • If the link already exists, you may not have the required access to the business portal and will need an authorisation administrator to change your access level. You can read more information in this ATO article on how to manage permissions.
  • If the business is appearing on your client list and is not a restricted client, you may need to remove and re-add the business and try to lodge again.
  • You must have linked your RAN to the correct agent's ABN within the Access Manager platform.
  • The principal authority of the business will need to set up their myGovID and link the business in the RAM platform. Once you link the business, they can set up authorisations for others to work for the business. You, as a registered tax/Bas agent, can log into RAM and use your authorisation code to accept or decline a request to act online for a business.

If you are an intermediary for multiple-employing entities.

You will need to update your ATO Access Manager Business Appointment settings. If you need further information on this process, you can refer to the following ATO article under the Appoint a Business and Assign Permissions premise.

Helpful Hint

Sometimes, it may take overnight to link to other businesses and thereby process your request. Also, if the business is appearing on your client list and is not a restricted client, you may need to remove and re-add the business and try to lodge again.

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