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Payroll lodgement erorr: CMN.ATO.Auth.011


Type. Feature. Error Number. Error Name.
STP Lodgement error. Payroll event.


A link between your client and your agent number does not exist for the selected task.


This error will only occur if you have not configured your ATO supplier settings so that a registered tax/BAS agent is lodging to the ATO on behalf of your business. You will need to correct this error before you can make STP lodgments via your platform.


First check that you have assigned the correct Registered Agent Number. If that does not work, you can also check if you have entered the correct client identifier and that you are using the correct registered agent number and try again. If the issue persists, contact the ATO quoting this error code to resolve any issues. When you call the ATO, we recommend having the following information:

  • Proof of ownership record, for example, personnel TFN, date of birth, address or recent ATO generated notice.
  • Your Australian Business Number (ABN) or, if you are a registered tax agent, you can use your Registered Agent Number (RAN).
  • The name or ABN of your software provider.
  • Your unique Software ID provide by your software provider.
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