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What are some common STP lodgement errors I might see via the payroll platform?

The article covers several of the common lodgement errors we have identified that can cause a Single Touch Payroll (STP) event lodgement to fail. The below document will list out the cause of the comment error and provide you a link out to the dedicated error document where you can read about how to resolve your errors and lodge successfully your events with the Australian Tax Office (ATO).


Common STP lodgement errors

  Error: CMN.ATO.PAYEVNT.EM92172, We were unable to process your submission because we already have a submission with this submission ID.  

This error means that the payroll platform has detected that the ATO has already received the lodgement event and that you have lodged it multiple times. It may have occurred because there was an issue processing the response the first time, and so you tried to re-lodge the data. To read further information on how to resolve this error, refer to the following article.

  Error: CMN.ATO.GEN.200001, This error is often due to a timeout within the ATO system.  

This message will display on your platform when there is a timeout within the ATO platform. It comes from the ATO's end and not from our platform, and it will prevent you from lodging your STP data with the ATO. To read further information on how to resolve this error, refer to the following article.

  Error: CMN.ATO.AUTH.008, You are not authorised to submit this lodgement on behalf of the client.  

If you are a registered tax/BAS agent.

This error means you have not connected the tax/BAS agent account with the relevant business account. You cannot rectify this within the payroll platform. Rather, it requires logging into your Access Manager portal or the Tax/BAS Agent Portal and making sure you listed your business as a client and the agent has the sufficient permissions for that business to undertake the lodgement of STP. To read further information on how to resolve this error, refer to the following article.

If you are an intermediary for multiple employing entities.

The entity acting as the intermediary does not have the required authorisation to be the intermediary. You cannot rectify this within the payroll platform, rather, it requires you to log into your Access Manager portal and make sure you listed your business as a client per se and the intermediary has the sufficient permissions for that business to undertake the lodgement of STP. To read further information on how to resolve this error, refer to the following article.

  Error: SBR.GEN.AUTH.008, Your nomination with the software provider may not contain the correct Software ID in Access Manager.  

The error only occurs if you have configured your ATO supplier settings so that a registered tax/BAS agent is lodging events to the ATO on behalf of your business and you have not set up the electronic lodgement properly. To read further information on how to resolve this error, refer to the following article.

  Error: CMN.ATO.AUTH.011, A link between your client and your agent number does not exist for the selected task.  

This error will only occur if you have not configured your ATO supplier settings so that a registered tax/BAS agent is lodging to the ATO on behalf of your business. You will need to correct this error before you can make STP lodgments via your platform. To read further information on how to resolve this error, refer to the following article.

  Error: SBR.GEN.AUTH.005, Misalignment of identifying information.  

This error means your ATO Settings on the payroll platform do not match the details registered on your ATO Access Portal. You will need to resolve this error before you lodge events to the ATO. To read further information on how to resolve this error, refer to the following article.

  Error: SBR.GEN.AUTH.006, The software provider has not been nominated to secure your online (cloud) transmissions. You have not nominated this software provider to secure transmissions made through online (cloud based) software.  

If you are an employer.

This error means you have not followed the correct process of enabling electronic lodgement for your business. You will need to resolve this error before you lodge events to the ATO. To read further information on how to resolve this error, refer to the following article.

If you are a registered tax/BAS agent.

This error means that, although you have enabled the connection between the ATO and your registered agent number, you are lodging the STP events as the employer (business owner). To read further information on how to resolve this error, refer to the following article.

  Error: SBR.GEN.AUTH.002, Mandatory information provided in the transmission is invalid. Contact your software provider. Inform your software provider that the PartyId, PartyId Type and/or Role supplied in the transmission is not valid.  

Are you trying to lodge a pay event for a business that has a Withholding Payer Number (WPN) (in place of an Australain Business Number (ABN)? If so, presently, WPN holders cannot lodge STP events. To read further information on how to resolve this error, refer to the following article.

  Error: CMN.ATO.PAYEVNT.EM92168, Your submission was not processed - We were unable to process your submission because you have not reported using Single Touch Payroll for that financial year.  

The error means this was your first attempt as a finalisation event on our payroll platform. You need at least one pay event lodged before you can lodge a finalisation event. You will need to resolve this error before you lodge events to the ATO. To read further information on how to resolve this error, refer to the following article.

  Error: CMN.ATO.PAYEVNT.EM14160, Cannot process submission. We were unable to unable to process your submission because we located multiple files to be replaced  

This error means that the payroll platform has detected the submission of multiple full file replacements in quick succession on your ATO portal. A full file replacement gives you the ability to replace the last pay event file you sent through to the to the ATO that contained errors, or which contained corrupted data. To read further details on what the Full File Replacement feature is, refer to the following article published on the ATO's website. To read further information on how to resolve this error, refer to the following article.

  Error: SBR.GEN.FAULT.UNKNOWNSERVICE, Unknown agency or service. The value provided to identify the receiving party is not recognised, or a request has been made for a service not offered by the receiving party  

This message will display on your platform when there is an issue within the ATO platform. It comes from the ATO's end and not from our platform, and it will prevent you from lodging your STP data with the ATO. To read further information on how to resolve this error, refer to the following article.

  Error: SBR.GEN.FAULT.GENERALERRORINCORE, An unhandled error occurred within Core Services. An unhandled error occurred within Core Services. Record the details of the message and contact the agency service desk.  

The message will display on your platform when there is an issue within the ATO platform. It comes from the ATO's end and not from our platform, and it will prevent you from lodging your STP data with the ATO. To read further information on how to resolve this error, refer to the following article.

  Error: CMN.ATO.PAYEVNTEMP.000239, Cessation Reason Code must be provided. Cessation Reason Code must be provided when Payee Cessation Date is also provided, when the Pay/Update Date is after 30/6/2020.  

You must provide a termination reason for the employee. Effective from 19th October 2021, selecting a termination reason will be mandatory. However, we recorded terminations before this date without a reason and with the new STP Phase 2 requirements, you must now specify a termination reason for these employees. To read further information on how to resolve this error, refer to the following article.

  Error: 11, Reached Retry Limit  

There is a limit on the number of retries the platform will allow before giving up and applying a failed status to an STP event. We did this to limit the negative impact on platform performance across the platform when an unexpected/unacceptably high STP submission load occurs, e.g. if there is an issue upstream. To read further information on how to resolve this error, refer to the following article.

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  • STP FAQs This section covers a range of frequently asked questions by our customers on our Single Touch Payroll (STP) features for example, what are the key financial year dates.
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