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What are some of the hiring essentials I need to know | Hiring Essentials FAQ


What are some of the hiring essentials I need to know?


There is a range of hiring essentials you need to know, and we will endeavour to answer as many of them as possible in the below document. We have broken these down into a few different topics as well, for example, a General section, and sections tailored to certain job board integrations, for example, Seek or LinkedIn.




LinkedIn Limited Listings

LinkedIn Premium Job Slots



   I cannot view or download candidate PDF attachments?    

There was a recent Google Chrome browser update, which, if you have updated your browser recently, has affected opening PDF documents and attachments. You can open PDF attachments without issues, using a Firefox/Safari/Microsoft Edge web browser. Although you may not want to use these web browsers, you could use one of these browsers when using the Recruitment Module in the future.

We suggest using one of the below two options:

  • Right-click on the file name and select ‘Save Link As...’. This will allow you to save and view the document from your desktop rather than through the EH platform.
  • If you are using Google Chrome, you can download the Adobe extension and install it in your browser.

As this is a Google Chrome issue, until there is a Google Chrome browser update which addresses this issue, we can only suggest that you download the suggested extension or use an alternative web browser as a workable option.

  How can I onboard a candidate to become an employee?    

Once you have progressed a candidate to the Hired stage, you will be able to onboard them via the Onboard button. You can read more information on this process under the Onboard a Candidate Premise in the following article.

  How can I transfer documents received and uploaded from candidates once I hire the candidate without having to upload them all again?   

Currently, it is not possible to pull automatically across uploaded documents from the recruitment tab to an employee's file. The same applies if you onboard an employee and it is also not possible to customise the notification settings for recruitment emails.

  How can I grant access to another staff member to manage the recruitment process?   

You can use the  Custom Security Settings feature to grant specific access to the Recruitment module. Make sure you enter a Group Name and Description for your Custom Security Group, and make sure that within the Set Permission field you search and select the name of the team member you would like provided access.

On the Other Permissions tab, you will find Recruitment permissions. Please select the Use checkbox and save your new custom security group. Also, once created, the user will then be able to access the Recruitment tab within the platform and manage all recruitment processes.

  How can I provide managers and other employees access to view candidates in particular stages?   

You can add collaborators to a hiring stage to help review and comment on candidate applications. You can also add Hiring Managers who have permissions to edit the job description and hiring process as well as review applications. To read further information on this process, refer to the following article.

  Can Hiring Managers/Collaborators or myself receive notifications when a candidate has progressed to a hiring stage or when someone leaves a comment?   

Currently, there are no notifications that are triggered by candidate stage movements or activity comments being made. You will only receive an email notification when a new candidate has applied for your role.

  How do I close a job?   

You can use the Close Role feature to close a role that you no longer need open. To read further information on this process, refer to the Close a Role premise in the following article.

  How do I edit a job?  

You can use the Edit Role Details feature to update a role that has outdated or incorrect information. To read further information on this process, refer to the Edit Job Details premise in the following article.

Please note that editing a role will not automatically update your job ad on your chosen job board. After making updates to the role, you must manually repost these updates to your chosen job board provided via the Job Boards tab.

  Will I get charged if I update my job?  

Our Recruitment module does not incur any costs for posting or reposting any job ads. Each job board has their own Terms and Conditions which you agree to at the time you created your account. We recommend reaching out to the job board specifically for this information.

For Seek ad updates to a live posting, Seek has confirmed what changes cause a client to get a second charge when reposting an advert. These areas are:

  • Job Title.
  • Category.
  • Location.
  • Ad Type.

  How do I record internal notes for a candidate?   

You can add activity notes under each candidate's file, including uploading documents to your note. To read further information on this process, refer to the following article.

  Can a candidate view the activity?   

No, this is only for internal purposes and we not be visible to candidates.

  Are candidates notified when we move them to a different hiring stage?   

Yes, candidates can view their applications, by heading to the Applications tab in the Swag app Careers module. Each job application will have a tag depending on the status of your application.

  What emails do candidates receive?   

They will receive an auto-generated email once they have applied for your role. If you are disqualifying your candidate, you can choose to send a customised email we will send to their listed email address.

  What is the cost of using EH Recruitment?   

Whilst our Recruitment Module is 100% free to use, each job board has their own account types and payment terms and conditions that you agree to when signing up for their account types that EH has no control or say over.

  How do I move a candidate to another role?   

There are two ways this can be done, either via the Candidates Tab on the main Recruitment page or via the Role itself. Refer to the HR platform: Using the recruitment module to manage your organisation's open roles; and HR platform: Using the recruitment module to manage your candidate pool for more information on how to copy a candidate to a new role.

  Can I email candidates in other hiring stages besides when I disqualify them?  

You can now communicate directly with candidates within the platform, throughout all stages of the hiring process. Previously, we limited this to the disqualification stage. 

By linking your email to the recruitment module, you can send and record candidate conversations in one easy-to-access location. Click here to learn how to link your Google account to the platform, or here to link your Microsoft Outlook account.

  What email address is used to send emails to candidates?  

The email address used will be the recruiter's email listed under each role.

  I want to post a role on a job board that is not listed?   

You can ask for Job Boards via our Job Boards tab. Refer to the following article for further details. Whilst we cannot guarantee or confirm when/if this job board will become available to connect to, we will record your organisation’s details along with your request and included as a tally towards your requested job board.

  I posted a Role but cannot see my ad on the job board?   

Please allow 24 hours for your role to post to your selected Job Board before reaching out to our support team.

  How can I check I have posted my role successfully?  

You can see the status of your role posting via the Job Board status page, which you can access from the Role page. To read further information on how to access this page, refer to the View Job Board Status premise in the following article.

  Can I link the recruitment module to our company's careers page or website?  

Whilst our recruitment module currently does not connect or integrate with your own external company, careers page, or your website. Our product and development team has only recently developed a careers page enhancement.

You can create and then share your EH Careers page with your team and others. Below are some helpful articles for you, which explain how you can do this:

  What is the difference between the post and repost to the job board button?  

You can use the Post to Job Board button when you are posting your role to a job board for the first time, or you would like to post your role to an additional Job Board. Whereas you would use the Repost to Job Board when you are updating an existing, live posting.

  The formatting of my posting does not look nice and like it does in my job details   

Did you use our formatting tools used when you posted your role? Or did you copy and paste the data from a work document or a previous posting? If you edit your job details using our formatting tools and then click on Save and Continue, you can then re-post your role through to Seek's Job Board and this cleaner formatting will pull through. Including any bold or italic text you wish to format.

We also suggest that if you would like additional blank lines in your posting, to always use double spacing as when your role gets published to your job boards, your Job Post board may re-format and remove additional unnecessary lines.

  Can I share my job posting on social media?   

You can share your job postings on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Alternatively, you can copy the link to your clipboard so you can paste this where you want. To do this, open the job listing and click the Share button and then select the desired social media platform.


  I posted a job on Seek. How do I get the candidates to flow into EH?   

You must publish job postings from within our ATS to the job board directly for their candidates to flow through to our ATS.

  Can I use the Seek screening questions?   

Yes, you can! To read further information on how to do this, you can refer to the following article.

  How can I make my job a remote role in Seek?  

Currently, Seek requires you to enter a physical location for all jobs that you post from EH to Seek. The integration with Seek does not currently allow for the role to be listed as remote in Seek. However, if you use key phrases such as Work from home or Remote, when candidates are searching for these phrases, the role will appear in their search.

  I cannot select a location and/or the Location field is not working when trying to post to Seek?    

Your Seek Hirer ID may be incorrect, or Seek may not have authorised EH to post roles on your behalf. To make sure this is correct, please contact your Seek Account Manager to confirm they have set the correct posting permissions to accept jobs from EH. And if you are unsure of your Hirer ID, we recommend reaching out to your Seek Account Manager or who cam provide this information. 

  How can I change the banner in my Seek Advert?  

You can change your branding on your live Seek ad by navigating into your role in the EH HR platform recruitment module and making the required changes.

  My branding does not appear in my job ad?    

You will need to make sure you have selected either a StandOut or Premium Advert Type. Then, under your Branding drop-down, you can select which branding you would like to apply to your Role, which you have already pre-uploaded with Seek. Please note that each time you post or update your roles through to Seek, you will need to select your branding each time, as this information does not save.

  My branding, bullet points and summary have not appeared in my job ad?   

Did you correctly enter this information after you toggled on the Optimise this Advert option? You may also want to confirm with Seek directly what account type you are paying for, as it will only display these fields for StandOut and Premium job ads and is not available for classic job advert types. Please note that each time you post or update your roles through to Seek, you will need to select your branding, enter your bullet points and summary each time, as this information does not save.

  Can I include a video on my Seek posting?   

Yes, Seek accepts any standard YouTube video URL, which you can include at the bottom of your posting page. Please note that Seek does not accept YouTube Shorts video types.

  My video does not appear in my Seek Job Ad   

Are you trying to attach a YouTube standard video, or a YouTube Short video? Seek does not accept YouTube Shorts videos or URLs from video streaming or sharing providers outside YouTube. Make sure you have correctly entered the YouTube URL with no additional, unnecessary spaces at the end of your posting page and that you click the Publish button. If you have updated your live role with a video, please allow 24 hours for your live posting to update, before reaching back out to support.

LinkedIn Limited Listings

  How do I connect the ATS to LinkedIn Limited Listings?  

To connect EH with the LinkedIn Limited Listings job board, you will need to navigate to your LinkedIn company page as an administrator of your company page and copy and paste your company page's ID Number you can locate in the URL bar.

You will then need to navigate back to your EH HR platform and you will need to connect your recruitment module with LinkedIn Limited Listings. You can read further information on how to connect in the following article.

  What happens if I claim the job in LinkedIn?  

If you have posted a Limited Listings Role from our Recruitment Module and you log into LinkedIn on a Premium Account to view your jobs with a paid subscription account, LinkedIn may ask if you would like to claim your free posting into one of your three job slots, i.e., promote your job ad.

Once you have claimed this ad, this will break the connection to EH and will become 1 of 3 paid jobs under your Recruiter subscription, meaning you can no longer manage your Role or Candidates via the EH HR Recruitment module. You would need to post this via the Recruitment Module using the Premium connection rather than Limited Listing.

  What is the difference between LinkedIn Limited Listings and LinkedIn Premium?  

LinkedIn Limited Listings is 100% free to use and will appear under your LinkedIn company page’s Jobs tab. Whereas LinkedIn Premium requires a paid subscription, where you can post multiple jobs at a cost from LinkedIn directly.

As Limited Listings and Premium are two separate job boards, please see a short LinkedIn help article for reference. LinkedIn can also only guarantee that one free posting (Limited Listings) will go live at once. Whilst you can certainly choose to post multiple roles from Employment Hero to LinkedIn Limited Listings, and from time to time you may find LinkedIn will pick them up and post them live on your company page they only guarantee you can post one job for free at a time 

  I posted a job to Limited Listings. Why can I not see it?  

If it has not been over 24 hours since you posted the role, please wait 24 hours before reaching out as your role can take up to 24 hours to post to your job board. If it has been over 24 hours since you posted the role, have you posted multiple roles to LinkedIn Limited Listings?

LinkedIn can only guarantee that one free posting (Limited Listings) will go live at once. Whilst you can certainly choose to post multiple roles from Employment Hero to LinkedIn Limited Listings, and from time to time you may find LinkedIn will pick them up and post them live on your company page, they only guarantee you can post one job for free at a time.

If you have only posted one role to this job board, you will need to make sure you entered your Company ID correctly in your EH Recruitment configuration. You will need to navigate to your LinkedIn company page as an administrator of your company page and copy and paste your company page's ID Number you can locate in the URL bar.

You will then need to navigate back to your EH HR platform in your recruitment module and confirm this is the same number used in your LinkedIn Limited Listings connection. You can read further information on how to check this information in the following article. As of August 2024, LinkedIn Limited postings will no longer be approved for customers that LinkedIn identifies as search and staffing companies.

LinkedIn Premium Job Slots

  I posted a job on LinkedIn. How do I get the candidates to flow into EH?  

You must post your jobs from within our ATS to the job board directly for their candidates to flow through to our ATS.

  I have posted the role to LinkedIn, though my candidates are not flowing back into EH?  

Did you allow using Employment Hero (Idibu) as your Job posting partner on your Recruiter Dashboard? If you have not, then go to your Recruiter's Product Settings and select Idibu as the partner and choose a default poster (you).

  Why can I not see my Premium Job Posting on my company page?  

You may not see your LinkedIn Premium postings because of your configuration in the Recruitment module not set up correctly, or LinkedIn has not yet actioned your authorisation request.

To check you entered the correct information as a LinkedIn administrator, you can find your company ID at the end of your LinkedIn company page URL, e.g., 123456789. You can find your contract ID in the admin settings drop-down in recruiter below your company name.

If LinkedIn has not actioned the authorisation at their end, you will need to reach out to your LinkedIn Account Manager and have them confirm:

  • You have a paid LinkedIn Premium subscription.
  • That they have authorised Idibu (our third-party integration partner), to post to your LinkedIn Premium account. LinkedIn may instruct you to Select Idibu in your LinkedIn account on your end; however, LinkedIn will also need to provide you with written confirmation that they have actioned these permissions and authorisation and have confirmed this on their end.
  • Your Company & Contract ID.

Please note, once your posting permissions have been authorised by LinkedIn, this can take up to 24 hours to apply to your account.

  My LinkedIn Premium Posting keeps failing?  

Your LinkedIn Premium ads may show a failed to post status because of your configuration in the Recruitment module not set up correctly, or LinkedIn has not yet actioned your authorisation request.

To check you entered the correct information as a LinkedIn administrator, you can find your company ID at the end of your LinkedIn company page URL, e.g., 123456789. You can find your contract ID in the admin settings drop-down in recruiter below your company name.

If LinkedIn has not actioned the authorisation at their end, you will need to reach out to your LinkedIn Account Manager and have them confirm:

  • You have a paid LinkedIn Premium subscription.
  • That they have authorised Idibu (our third-party integration partner), to post to your LinkedIn Premium account. LinkedIn may instruct you to Select Idibu in your LinkedIn account on your end; however, LinkedIn will also need to provide you with written confirmation that they have actioned these permissions and authorisation and have confirmed this on their end.
  • Your Company & Contract ID.

Please note, once your posting permissions have been authorised by LinkedIn, this can take up to 24 hours to apply to your account.


  Can I post a free job to Indeed?  

No, Indeed will only accept and post jobs that you have sponsored from a paid Indeed account. Once posted to Indeed, all jobs distributed from Employment Hero to Indeed will only appear in sponsored results on sites.

Sponsored results are Indeeds paid campaigns and have an associated cost. If you have an active sponsored jobs campaign with Indeed, you can distribute jobs into that campaign from Employment Hero. Jobs distributed from Employment Hero to Indeed will not appear in Indeed’s organic results, as Indeed does not accept free postings from any 3rd party provider.

  I posted a job to Indeed, but I cannot see it?   

Did you post your role within the last 24 hours? Once you post a Role from our Recruitment Module, postings can take up to 24 hours to appear on Indeed’s job board. Do you have a paid Indeed account? Does the company name entered in EH match exactly as per your Indeed Account Name?

Indeed, adds all jobs posted via Employment Hero to an Upload file which they process at four different intervals every day. Job ads can also take up to 24 hours to appear on Indeed’s job board once posted from our Recruitment module.

Please note that Indeed identifies a client’s jobs by looking for the unique job reference and your company name. The Company Name in Employment Hero must exactly match to the letter and is case-sensitive, with whatever Indeed has listed in their own database.

  I posted a job on Indeed. How do I get the candidates to flow into EH?   

You must post jobs from within our ATS to the job board directly for candidates to flow through to our Recruitment Module. If you have posted your Role directly to Indeed’s job board, you cannot map this back into our Recruitment Module.

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