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Navigating earned wage access for employers dashboard via the HR platform


InstaPay is rebranding to earned wage access. You may see both names used over the next couple of weeks as we change the name in the app and online.

We designed the earned wage access overview on the Employment Hero HR web platform for employers, managers, and administrators to access earned wage access product information. You can read about earned wage access benefits for users, and have oversight on how people in your organisation use this product. There are no actions required from this dashboard, as it a purely informational page. To read a detailed description of InstaPay, refer to the following article. 

Getting started

Grant access to this feature
  1. Log into the Employment Hero HR platform. 
  2. Click the   Settings menu.
  3. Click the Custom Security Settings submenu.
  4. Click the New Security Group
  5. Complete the following fields:
    • Group name.
    • Description.
    • Set permissions for:
      • All employees.
      • Team.
      • Employee.
  6. Click the Other Permissions tab.
  7. Select the earned wage access (or InstaPay) Overview (Use) option.
  8. Click the Create button.

Daily activities

View the earned wage access dashboard
  1. Log into the Employment Hero HR platform.
  2. Click the Benefits menu.
  3. Click the earned wage access (or InstaPay) Overview submenu.

    Helpful Hint

    First up you will see a What is earned wage access (or InstaPay) tile on the left. Click the Learn More button to read about earned wage access.

    Screenshot of where to click on the left hand side highlighted tile to read more about what instapay is and how to use it

    Helpful Hint

    Next, you will see in the middle a How does it Work tile that explains how earned wage access works. Click the View Guide button to see in detail the earned wage access process from an employer's perspective.

    Screenshot of where to click on the middle highlighted tile to view information on instapay for employers

    Helpful Hint

    Next, you will see on the right-hand side a What are the Benefits tile that explains the employer-value propostion for earned wage access, and will describe why earned wage access is a great choice for accessing your already-earned wages. Click the Learn More button to read more on this topic.

    Screenshot of where to click on the right hand side highlighted tile to read the instapay benefits

    Helpful Hint

    Lastly, underneath the feature overview tiles, you can see the earned wage access transactions from your employees including the, date of the request and the amounts requested.

    Screenshot of a highlighted section of where to see all of your team members instapay transactions
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