Managing Long Service Leave | Payroll Web Platform


An employee receives long service leave after an extended period of working for the same employer. See the Fair Work Ombudsman website for more detailed information about long service leave. 


Payroll Plan:   Standard   Premium

Getting started

Setting up long service leave in your payroll platform
  1. Log into your payroll platform.
  2. Click on the Business submenu.
  3. Click on Payroll Settings
  4. Select Leave Categories.
    Screenshot of where to select leave categories
  5. Long Service Leave is provided as a default but if you wish to add your own, click the green Add button to add a new leave category and under the Leave category type.
  6. Select Long Service Leave.
  7. When you select long service leave, you will be given the option to set the contingent and entitlement periods for the long service leave.

    Screenshot of contingency and entitlement periods for long service leave

    The contingent period is the period of time after which an employer may be required to pay out long service leave under certain circumstances.
    The entitlement period is the period of time after which an employee is eligible for their long service leave entitlement.

    Helpful Hint

    Click on the information icons to the right of the contingent and entitlement period sections for more detailed information on this.

Viewing an employee's long service leave
  1. Log into your payroll platform.
  2. Click on the Employee submenu. 
  3. Choose the employee whose long service leave you wish to view.
  4. Click on Leave Balances. 
  5. When you view the long service leave for an individual employee, you will be able to see when their entitlement is due.

    Screenshot of contingency and entitlement periods for long service leave

  6. Once long service leave has been applied to an employee, their entitlement date will be displayed in the pay run so you can quickly see if they are eligible for long service leave.

    Screenshot of contingency and entitlement periods for long service leave

Helpful Hint

Once enabled for an employee long service leave will continue to accrue however, an employee will only be able to apply for long service leave and view it on their pay slips once the entitlement date has been reached.

Author recommended

So you have now viewed how to manage long service leave and you are now wondering, what next can I do? There are two recommendations I would make, and they are:

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