CSV uploads are a powerful feature for quickly and easily importing data into your platform. However, there are some common errors that can arise when uploading a CSV. Here are a few examples and what they mean.
Common CSV import errors
Adding spaces. | Any cell that starts or ends with a space will cause an error in the upload. |
Format errors. |
When copying from Excel to CSV, the format changes. This also changes the data, most often with numbers that have leading zeros, such as BSBs and phone numbers. You will need to reformat the column to a custom format that includes the zero. |
Adding hyphens. |
TFNs and BSBs are the most common to have added hyphens. There should not be hyphens in these sections. |
Data missing from columns linked to other columns. |
When inputting data into certain columns, you will need to fill out others. Examples are the super columns, banking columns, and tax columns. If you do not have all the data, it is better to delete all these related columns before upload. You can come back instead when you have the data. |
Deleting a column header. |
Check that all headers are present and that there are not any data in a cell with no header. |
Uploading the advanced spreadsheet when Payroll settings are turned off. | The platform will not allow this action. You would need to delete all columns that disappeared along with payroll settings, and then upload. |
To resolve import errors, follow the below steps:
ABN | Incorrect number of digits. |
Account BSB Columns |
Account email | Account emails can only be changed within the person’s profile, not via CSV. If you change someone’s account email in the CSV, you will create a new employee. |
Account Number Columns |
Additional Cost Centres |
Allocated Percentage Columns | Empty for those with multiple accounts. |
Anniversary date [dd/mm/yyyy] | Not in dd/mm/yyyy format. |
Classification |
Company Landline |
Company Mobile |
Contract type [Permanent|Fixed term] |
Contract type is only applicable for full-time and part-time employment types. |
Could not assign the correct Pay Rate Template to employee | This error occurs when the pay rate template listed in the CSV data does not align with the classification and/or industrial instrument selected for the employee. Please ensure the correct pay rate template is listed. |
Date of birth | Not in dd/mm/yyyy format. |
Employing Entity | Misspelling. |
Employment type [Full-time | Part-time | Casual] |
End Date |
Not in dd/mm/yyyy format. |
ESA | Details missing from one column that is related to the others. |
Fixed Amount Columns | Leaving empty. |
Gender [Female | Male | Non-binary | Prefer not to say] |
Home Phone |
Industrial Instrument |
Job Title | Leaving empty. |
Leave allowance templates |
To rename leave allowance templates (LATs) in the payroll platform so that the same name is not used against different templates. If awards are in use, it may be helpful to amend the name of the template to include the award number at the end to help differentiate the LATs. |
Line 1 contains empty header or columns |
This occurs when the CSV file has empty columns at the end of the document. To open this, open the file, delete or all needed 'Columns' and then save as CSV again. |
Line 0 unfortunately an error has occurred |
This error tends to occur when mandatory columns are removed from the CSV file. For more information on what columns are required when updating certain fields, please refer to the section CSV fields that need updating together in this article. |
Marital status [Single | Married | In a Relationship] |
Nationality |
Pay category |
Pay details - Effective from [dd/mm/yyyy] |
Pay Rate Template |
Pay schedule |
Personal Mobile Number |
Primary Cost Centre |
Primary Manager Email |
Salary option [Annum | Month | Fortnight | Hour] |
Secondary Manager Email |
SMSF Account Name | Details missing from one column that is related to the others. |
SMSF Account Number | Details missing from one column that is related to the others. |
SMSF BSB | Details missing from one column that is related to the others. |
SPIN/USI | Pasted in incorrectly, causing error in cell. |
Start Date |
Not in dd/mm/yyyy format. |
Super Account Name | Details missing from one column that is related to the others. |
Super Choice [Regulated | SMSF | Company nominated] |
Super Fund ABN |
Super Member Number | Details missing from one column that is related to the others. |
Tax File Number |
Team [separate multiple teams with '|'] | Not utilising the "|" symbol to separate multiple teams. |
Termination Date |
Timesheets [Enabled | Disabled | EnabledForExceptions] |
Title [Mr | Ms | Mrs | Miss | Dr | Mx] |
Type [Employee | Contractor] |
Unable to touch historical versions | File imports are only able to update the 'current' salary record on an employees profile or create a new record. It is not possible to amend previous salary records. To resolve this error, please ensure the Pay details - effective date matches the date listed on the employee's current salary details or list a new date to create a new salary record. |
Explore related content
- How do I import and/or export employees via CSV? | HR Platform This article details how you can import and export employee details via uploading a CSV file.
- Update Employee HR files in bulk | Video This video runs through how to update your HR files in bulk, instead of individually.