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Manage leave for payroll classic-connected orgs

Available for the following plans: Employment Lite, Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following HR classic plans: Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Manager, Admin

Please note that this article is not applicable to organisations using payroll classic with the HR classic platform.

To manage leave in Employment Hero, leave types and leave policies must be created in Employment Hero and assigned to your employees. 

To manage the payment of that leave type, the payment set-up must be completed in your payroll classic platform:

  • A leave type is the type of leave selected by the employee (e.g. Annual Leave).
  • A leave policy determines the rules associated with that leave type (e.g. 25 days should be assigned on January 1st each year).
  • The payment set-up of leave types determines how your employees are paid against a particular leave type and how the leave is reported in the pay-run. 

This article is applicable for clients that have purchased Employment Hero Payroll classic and Employment Hero that have moved on to the new leave functionality. Full details of the new functionality can be found via the FAQs here


The following leave types and their corresponding payment set-up will be created in Employment Hero and Payroll classic by default. 

  • Statutory sick leave
  • Statutory maternity leave
  • Statutory adoption leave
  • Statutory paternity leave
  • Statutory parental bereavement leave

The following leave types will be auto-created in Employment Hero and Payroll classic by default, but the client must complete the payment set-up.

  • Annual leave
  • Sick leave


Available for the following plans: Employment Lite, Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited

  Interactive learning

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Getting started

Add a leave type, policy and assign your employees 
  1. Log into Employment Hero.
  2. Click the Settings menu.
  3. Click the Leave Settings submenu.
  4. Click the Add Leave Type button.
    click on add leave type.png
  5. Complete the following fields:
    • Leave Type Name 
    • Leave Balance Tracking.
      • Select Track balance accruals and leave taken if you want to add a policy to your leave type. A policy determining the balance and rules that should be assigned to the leave type If track balance accruals and leave taken is selected, the leave type in payroll automatically becomes an Entitlement Based Leave type.
      • Select Only track leave taken if you do not wish to track a balance against this leave type. If Only track leave taken is selected, the leave type in payroll automatically becomes a standard leave type.
    • Unit Type
      • Select Days if your employees take their leave in days.
      • Select Hours if your employees take their leave in hours.
  6. Select whether to Show leave after confirmed date.
  7. Select whether a Leave reason is required.
  8. Click the Save button.
    add leave type with details and click save.png
  9. To add a leave policy, complete the following fields:
    • Leave Policy Name
    • Accrual Starts
    • Amount Accrued add leave policy and click save.png
  10. Add an additional tier if you award an additional balance to your employees based on length of service.add extra tier to leave policy.png
    • Carry Over Amount - choose from None, Unlimited or up to X number of days
    • Carry-Over Date (Note: your holiday calendar year will default here) 
    • Pro-Rata for Part Time/Casual Employees (select this option if you want your part-time workers to receive a pro-rated amount of leave) 
    • Leave Balance for New Employees
      • Select Do not apply leave balance to employees on assignment if you want to manually assign balances to your new employees
      • Select Apply full balance amount on employee assignment if your employees should receive the full amount of leave assigned to this policy
      • Select Apply a pro rata amount on employee assignment if you want your employees to receive a pro-rated leave entitlement based on their start date in the current holiday calendar year (Note: the calculation is based on calendar days in a year) 
  11. Click the Save button. add details and extra tier then click save.png
  12. To assign the policy to certain employees, drag their name from the Available column to the Selected column.

    Helpful Hint

    You can click the >> button to move all employees to the Selected column.

  13. Click the Save button.
    add details and extra tier then click save.png
Add a leave policy to an existing leave type
  1. Log into Employment Hero.
  2. Click the   Settings menu.
  3. Under Payroll Settings, click the Leave Settings submenu.
  4. Click the  button.
  5. Click the Add Policy button.
    click on add policy.png
  6. Complete the following fields:
    • Leave Policy Name
    • Accrual Details:
      • Accrual Starts
      • Amount Accrued
    • Carry-Over Amount
    • Carry-Over Date
    • Pro Rata for Part Time/Casual Employees
    • Leave Balances for New Employees
  7. Click the Save button.
    add leave policy and click save.png
  8. To assign the policy to certain employees, drag their name from the Available column to the Selected column.

    Helpful Hint

    You can click the >> button to move all employees to the Selected column.

  9. Click the Save button.
    add leave type with details and click save.png
Manage leave from the Employment Hero dashboard
  1. Log into Employment Hero.
  2. On the dashboard, find your leave calendar widget.
    find your leave calendar widget
  3. Hover over the leave period to view the dates.
    hover over leave request to see dates
  4. Click on the pending leave period to approve or decline the leave.
    click on the pending leave request to approve of decline
  5. Here you can approve or decline the leave request.
    leave request pop up approve or decline

Approve or decline leave

Approve leave requests: Individually
  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Leave Management submenu.
  3. Click the Action button.
  4. Click the View button.
    screenshot of the leave management screen, with a highlight on the view button for an employee's leave
  5. Click the Approve button.
    screenshot of the leave request pop up, highlighting the approve button
Approve leave requests: In bulk
  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Leave Management submenu.
  3. Select the employees that need a leave request approved.
  4. Click the Approve Selected button.
    screenshot of the leave management screen, with three leave requests checked, highlighting the approve selected button
Decline leave requests: Individually
  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Leave Management submenu.
  3. Click the Action button.
  4. Click the View button.
    screenshot of the leave management screen, with a highlight on the view button for an employee's leave
  5. Click the Decline button.
    screenshot of the leave request pop up, highlighting the decline button
Decline leave requests: In bulk
  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Leave Management submenu.
  3. Select the employees that need a leave request declined.
  4. Click the Decline Selected button.
    screenshot of the leave management screen, with three leave requests checked, highlighting the decline selected button
  5. Enter the reason for declining the leave request.
  6. Click the Decline button.
    screenshot of the leave request pop up where to type the reason for declining th request, highlighting the decline button

Filter results

Filter the displayed leave requests


A primary and/or secondary manager can only view their employees' submitted leave requests, whereas an administrator can view all submitted leave requests.

  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Leave Management submenu.
  3. Click the Filter button and choose from the following options:
    • Date range.
    • Personnel.
    • Leave category.
    • Status:
      • Pending leave.
      • Approved leave.
      • Declined leave.
    • Employee status:
      • Direct employees.
      • Indirect employees.
      • All employees.
  4. Click the Search button.
    screenshot of the leave management screen, showing search filters and highlighting the search button

Submit a request

Submit leave for an employee: Individually


The total hours taken for each day depends on the employment settings that your company has set. You will need to verify that part-time employees have the correct auto-populated value for each day.


When an administrator submits leave for another employee, the platform will automatically approve the leave. When an admin submits a personal leave request, the platform will automatically approve the leave request unless the admin has a primary manager assigned to them on their profile.

  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Leave Management submenu.
  3. Click the Add New Leave Request button.
    screenshot of the leave request screen, highlighting the add new leave request button
  4. Complete the following fields:
    • Who is this leave request for?
    • Personnel.


    Enter the name of the employee you are submitting a leave request for. Do not enter the person's name who is submitting this leave request.

    • Leave type.


    The leave types available depend on what leave allowance, pay category, and award you selected within their employee file. To read further details on how to view an employee's pay details, refer to the following article.

    • Start date.
    • Leave duration.
    • End date.
    • Comment.
  5. Click the Add Document button to add any required files.


    If you are only submitting a half day off work for your employee, then you can edit the value within the Hours field. For example, instead of nominating eight hours for a full day of leave, you can nominate four hours for a half day of leave. You can also specify whether the leave occurs during morning and afternoon/evening times by selecting AM or PM.

  6. Click the Approve button.
    screenshot of the create leave request pop up, with a highlight on the approve button
Submit leave for employees: In bulk


The total hours taken for each day depends on the employment settings that your company has set. You will need to verify that part-time employees have the correct auto-populated value for each day.


When an administrator submits leave for another employee, the platform will automatically approve the leave. When an admin submits a personal leave request, the platform will automatically approve the leave request unless the admin has a primary manager assigned to them on their profile.

  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Leave Management submenu.
  3. Click the Add New Leave Request button.
    screenshot of the leave request screen, highlighting the add new leave request button
  4. Complete the following fields:
    • Who is thie leave request for?

      Helpful Hint

      You need to select either Multiple employees or Everyone.

    • Personnel.


    Enter the name of the employee you are submitting a leave request for. Do not enter the person's name who is submitting this leave request.

    • Leave type.


    The leave types available depend on what leave allowance, pay category, and award you selected within their employee file. To read further details on how to view an employee's pay details, refer to the following article.

    • Start date.
    • Leave duration.
    • End date.
    • Comment.
  5. Click the Next button.
    screenshot of the create leave request pop up, highlighting the next button
  6. Click the Approve button.
    screenshot of the create leave request pop up, highlighting the approve button
Re-submit a leave request


Once you approve a re-submitted leave request, the leave request will re-sync automatically.

  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Leave Management submenu.
  3. Click the Actions button.
  4. Click the Edit button.
    screenshot of the leave requests tab, highlighting the actions and edit buttons for an approved leave
  5. Make the required changes.
  6. Click the Approve button.
    screenshot of the edit leave request pop up, highlighting the approve button

View and download employee data

View the leave calendar
  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Leave Management submenu.
  3. Click the Leave Calendar tab.
  4. Here you will see your staff leave in calendar format.
    screenshot of the leave calendar, so users can easily see leave in calendar format

Helpful Hint

If you hover over the leave on the leave calendar, you will see the leave type and status.

hover over leave on caledar to see leave type and status
View an employee's leave request


The ability to view a leave request is only available if the payroll classic platform has processed the leave request within a pay run and imported the pay slips into Employment Hero. Use the clock symbols to see the status of the leave request. You can learn more about them in the Definitions: Symbols tab in the Further information section at the bottom of this article.

  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Leave Management submenu.
  3. Click the Actions button.
  4. Click the View button.
    screenshot of the leave management screen, with a highlight on the view button for an employee's leave
View an employee's leave balance
  1. Click the   Time menu.
  2. Click the Leave Management submenu.
  3. Click the Leave Balances tab.
  4. Click the search bar and filter based on:
    • Personnel.
    • Leave Category.
  5. Click the Search button.
    AIO leave balances personnel and leave type.
  6. You will now see your employee's leave balance per category and any pending requests they may have. Their continuous employment date will be used to determine their leave balances.
    new hr platform leave balances personnel and leave type.
View an employee's leave availability
  1. Click the   Time menu.
  2. Under Leave, click the Leave Management submenu.
  3. Click the Leave Calendar tab.
  4. Choose from the following filter options:
    • Month.
    • Year.
    screenshot of the leave availability screen
View who approved/declined an employees requested leave
  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Leave Management submenu.
  3. Hover over the   to see the leave approval details.
    screenshot of the leave management screen, showing the leave approval details when you hover above the small clock icon
Download leave balances
  1. Click the   Time menu.
  2. Under Leave, click the Leave Management submenu.
  3. Click the Leave Balances tab.
  4. Click the search bar and filter based on:
    • Personnel.
    • Leave Category.
  5. Click the Search button.
    screenshot of the leave management page, highlighting personnel and leave category search button
  6. Click the Download CSV button.
    screenshot of the leave management page, highlighting download csv button

Modify data

Edit an employee's leave request


You can only edit unprocessed leave requests. We mark a leave request as processed when the payslips for the pay run containing the applied leave request sync over to Employment Hero. Use the clock symbols to see the status of the leave request. You can learn more about them in the Definitions: Symbols tab in the Further Information section at the bottom of this article. Also, when an admin that has a manager edits an approved leave request that belongs to them, we will set the leave request to pending.

  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Leave Management submenu.
  3. Click the Action button.
  4. Click the Edit button.
    screenshot of the leave management page, highlighting the actions and edit buttons


    If you are only submitting a half day off work for your employee, then you can edit the value within the Hours field. For example, instead of nominating eight hours for a full day of leave, you can nominate four hours for a half day of leave.

  5. Make the required changes.
  6. Click the Approve button.
    screenshot of the edit leave request pop up, highlighting the approve button
Delete an employee's leave request


You can only delete a leave request if it you have not processed it yet in the payroll classic platform and pay slips you have not imported the pay slips into Employment Hero. Use the clock symbols to see the status of the leave request. You can learn more about them in the Definitions: Symbols tab in the Further information section at the bottom of this article.


You can delete approved leave requests before terminating an employee, provided you have not processed the leave requests in your payroll classic platform.

  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Leave Management submenu.
  3. Click the Action button.
  4. Click the Delete button.
    screenshot of the leave management screen, with a highlight on the delete button for an employee's leave
  5. Click the Delete button.
    screenshot of the confirmation pop up to delete the employee's leave request, highlighting the delet button

Further information

Definitions: Leave status
Pending.  The leave request is waiting for a manager to approve. 
Approved.  A manager has approved a leave request. 
Partially approved.  One of the two required managers has approved a two-level leave request. 
Declined.  A manager has rejected a leave request. 
Definitions: Clock messages
Created at.  Provides a timestamp of the leave request creation date. 
Synced at.  Provides a timestamp of when the leave request tried to sync with Employment Hero Payroll. 
Sync successful.  States whether the synchronisation of the leave request between Employment Hero and Employment Hero Payroll classic has been successful. 
Edited at.  Provides a timestamp of the last edit done to the leave request after a previous Employment Hero Payroll classic synchronisation attempt. 
Definitions: Symbols
Icon.  Name.  Description. 
  Purple clock.  Used for pending or declined leave requests that have not synchronised with Employment Hero Payroll. 
  Green clock.  Used for approved leave requests that have synchronised with Employment Hero Payroll. 
  Red clock.  Used for approved leave requests that have not synchronised with Employment Hero Payroll. 
  Orange clock.  Used for pending, approved, or declined leave requests that have had changes made to them after synchronising with Employment Hero Payroll. 
  Aeroplane. You can use the Aeroplane symbol to see if a leave request includes public holidays. The Aeroplane symbol will only show next to approved leave requests. 
  Message.  Employee has left a note regarding this leave request. 
  Download.  Employee has attached a file to this leave request. 
  Exclamation.  Used to alert an Admin that the employee has entered leave hours for a public holiday. 
Workflow: Two-level leave requests

Once you have enabled the Two-Level Leave feature, your employees will require their leave request to have approval from their primary and secondary managers. The workflow for this process is:

  1. The employee lodges their leave request.
  2. Primary and secondary managers will receive an email notification of this leave request.
  3. A manager (any of the two managers) approves the leave request.


    The status of the request will change to Partially Approved, with the first manager's name appearing when hovering over the leave request in the availability section.

  4. The second manager now approves the leave request.

    Helpful Hint

    Employees with one manager will only require the primary manager to approve their request even though two-level leave approval is active.


    The status of the request will show Approved, and both managers’ names will appear when hovering over the leave request in the availability section.

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  • Manage your pay categoriesThis feature allows you to create a new pay category and define the unit of accrual and payment classification
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