James Nixon
Employment Hero's resident technical writer who is experienced in creating and maintaining a SAAS HelpCentre through Zendesk Guide
Manage end of financial year Single Touch Payroll (STP) finalisation | Video
Watch the video tutorial Read step-by-step articles We have listed below some additional articles you can read on this topic: Payment Summaries - EOFY Guide for 2022/23 Reporting STP - EOFY Guide...
Payroll FAQ: How do I include PAYG in my ABA file?
Question How do I include PAYG in my ABA file? Availability Payroll Plan: Standard Premium Answer You can use the Pay Schedule feature to set up the PAYG details you want included in ...
Processing an employee overpayment within a pay run via the payroll platform
Purpose Providing you with a step-by-step guide on how you can process an employee's overpayment, which you can do via the Pay Run module. You will need to undertake the below steps via your Employ...
Uploading a Roster Live (WHS) file via the payroll platform
Available for the following Payroll Plan: Standard, Premium Question How do I upload a Roster Live (WHS) data file onto our payroll platform? Answer You can use the Timesheet Importing feature to i...
Email address is not unique Employment Hero Payroll error via the HR platform
Error Type Feature Error Name Import conflict Employee file Employee email address not unique Explanation This error occurs when an employee does not have a unique email address on your ...
Payroll attendance reporting
Overview As an organisation, by using time and attendance software, your managers and admins can track and monitor when your employees start and stop work each day. This is important in a large wor...
Costing Report | Payroll Web Platform
As an organisation, you may need to view a breakdown of costs for each location your business operates in, so you can see what the biggest cost outlays are within your organisation. This will enabl...
How do I build an emergency contacts report via the HR platform?
The outcome of this project is that you will have created an emergency contacts report. Before being able to use the Custom Reports feature, you will need to activate Two Factor Authentication. To ...
Building a gender report | HR Web Platform
The outcome of this project is that you will have created a gender report. Before being able to use the Custom Reports feature, you need to activate Two-Factor Authentication. To read further infor...
Cost centres | MYOB Payroll
As a business you can have multiple locations based in different suburbs or states; in these cases your organisation would have different employees employed in each location. Having a location regi...