James Nixon
Employment Hero's resident technical writer who is experienced in creating and maintaining a SAAS HelpCentre through Zendesk Guide
Submitting my weekly start and end hours based timesheets via the HR platform
As an employee, you will need to submit timesheets if your organisation requires you to track your starting and ending times weekly. Timesheet requests allow your manager to see your starting and e...
How do I set up Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) in the Payroll platform?
When using a username and password to log into your account, you are only using single-factor authentication. This process is susceptible to security threats because it represents a single piece of...
Enrolling vs assigning learning across the learning platform
Assigning is the primary action to deliver learning on the Learning platform. Assigning learning allows you to set optional due dates that are triggered immediately, and track learner progress via ...
Create, set up, and trigger onboarding checklists
Available for the following HR plans: Standard, Premium, PlatinumAvailable for the following user access levels: Admin The Onboarding Checklist feature helps hiring managers manage any necessar...
Manage my organisation's job board integrations using Hiring Essentials
A recruitment module helps companies organise candidates for hiring and recruitment purposes. These systems allow businesses to collect information, organise prospects based on experience and skill...
Importing employees from MYOB to the Payroll Platform | Video
Watch the video tutorial Read step-by-step articles We have listed below some additional articles you can read on this topic: Import employees using a Flatfile. Import employees' advanced work ho...
How do I download my employee deduction data | Payroll FAQ
Question How do I download my employee deduction data? Availability Payroll Plan: Standard Premium Answer The Data Extract feature enables you to download your employee deductions sto...
Payroll FAQ: How do I upload a Wage Easy Time Clock file
Question How do I upload a Wage Easy Time Clock file onto our payroll platform? Availability Payroll Plan: Standard Premium Answer You can use the Timesheet Importing feature to impor...
How do I manage my roster settings via the Payroll platform?
Available for the following Payroll Plan: PremiumAvailable for the following User Access levels: Admin The Rostering Settings feature allows you to configure different parts of the rostering modul...
How do I manage my employee happiness survey settings via the HR platform?
Available for the following HR plans: Free, Standard, Premium, PlatinumAvailable for the following user access level: Admin Within your organisation, it is important to have engaged and producti...