James Nixon
Employment Hero's resident technical writer who is experienced in creating and maintaining a SAAS HelpCentre through Zendesk Guide
How to set up the ECEC worker retention payment in the payroll platform
The Australian Government will support a wage increase for the early childhood education and care (ECEC) workforce through a worker retention payment. Employers will need to opt-in for these paymen...
Use the Employment Hero EAP service FAQ
Question How do I use the Employment Hero EAP service? Answer Helpful Hint EAP access is available only for organisations with the EAP add-on subscription. If you would like to add this to your cu...
SmartMatch questions answered via the HR platform
Watch a video Watch a SmartMatch video Learn more about SmartMatch Getting Started: What is SmartMatch for employers via the HR platform? Questions Getting started What is SmartMatch? How...
What are the different components of a performance review via the HR platform?
Interactive learning Watch a video 1. Performance review rating The first stage in building a performance review within the HR platform is the creation of a rating scale. You can build th...
Candidate flow recruitment reporting | HR Web Platform
Overview A recruitment module helps companies organise candidates for hiring and recruitment purposes. These systems allow businesses to collect information, organise prospects based on experience ...
Zoho FAQ: How do I export my data from a pay run?
Question How do I export a finalised pay run into Zoho? Availability Payroll Plan: Standard Premium Answer You can use the Export to Zoho feature to transfer the finalised pay run dat...
Creating Custom Security Groups | Video
Watch the video tutorials The Custom Security feature allows you to customise what your employees can see and do within the platform. This feature, as covered in the video below, enables you to avo...
How do I enable auto saving on my document | HR Advanced Template Editor FAQ
Question How do I enable auto-saving when creating a document in the advanced template editor? Availability HR Plan: Free Standard Premium Platinum User Access: E...
How do I manage my end of financial year Single Touch Payroll (STP) finalisation? | Payroll Video
Watch the video tutorial Read step-by-step articles We have listed below some additional articles you can read on this topic: Payment Summaries - EOFY Guide for 2022/23 Reporting STP - EOFY Guide...
Country Code must be provided STP lodgement warning
Warning Type. Feature. Warning Name. Lodgement warning. Employee Details. Country Code must be provided. When the Pay/Update Date is after 30/6/2020, Country Code must be provided when the I...