James Nixon
Employment Hero's resident technical writer who is experienced in creating and maintaining a SAAS HelpCentre through Zendesk Guide
How do I manage my employees' shifts via the Payroll platform?
Available for the following Payroll plan: Premium The Rostering module within the Payroll platform has a Shift Management feature that allows you to create employee shifts and manage details such a...
How do I unlock a finalised pay run | Payroll FAQ
Please help us improve this article. Take our 3 minute survey. Take the Survey Question How do I unlock a finalised pay run? Availability Payroll Plan: Standard Premium Answer You...
How do I process a Pay Run via the Payroll platform?
Please help us improve this article. Take our 3 minute survey. Take the Survey This article provides you with a step-by-step guide on how you can process either a regular or ad hoc Pay Run, whi...
Active vs terminated vs deleted employee feature access - HR | Comparison
Overview Terminated and deleted employees from your organisation will still have access to a limited set of features when they log in via the HR platform's website or mobile application. You can re...
How do I manage my organisation's open recruitment roles via the HR platform?
Available for the following HR plans: Standard, Premium, PlatinumAvailable for the following User Access levels: Admin The Recruitment Management feature allows you to manage the open roles you...
Your details and the account recovery process via the HR platform
Does Employment Hero store my details? Employment Hero temporarily stores the details provided to us during the Account Recovery process to help you get back into your account. Shortly after we ver...
Pay run comparison reporting via the payroll platform
Available for the following Payroll Plan: Standard, Premium The Pay Run Comparison Reporting feature allows you to compare your organisation's finalised pay runs over a chosen time. You can also us...
Managing and completing forms via the HR platform
Available for the following HR plans: PlatinumAvailable for the following User Access level: Employee Admin The Forms feature gives you the ability to create a custom form with various ques...
How do I view my received recognition?
Available for the following HR plans: Standard, Premium, PlatinumAvailable for the following user access levels: Employee , Manager , Admin Recognition is a way for employers to reward an...
How do I contact the payroll support team?
Question How do I contact the payroll support team? Answer For any issues relating to the software, our team of specialist supporters are on hand between 8:30am and 5:30pm, Monday to Friday (exclud...