Download audit, variance, journal, and gross to net reports in EH Payroll

Available for the following plans: Employment Lite, Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited

In EH Payroll, you can download the following reports: audit report, variance report, journal report, and gross to net report. You can download these files to your computer to help you understand and assess your pay runs.

Getting started

Download an audit report

The Audit Report shows you the full pay details for a given pay run. It includes earnings, pensions, bank payments, leave, and deductions.

  1. Click the Pay menu on the purple side bar.
  2. Under Payroll, click the Reports submenu.
  3. Click Audit Report.
  4. Select the Pay Schedule and Pay Run that you need.
  5. Tick the checkbox to include Summary Details and Employee Details.
  6. Tick the checkbox under Export Options to show all employee details on one worksheet.
  7. Click the Download File button.
    screenshot of the pay run audit report page, highlighting the download file button
Download a variance report

The Variance Report shows variance between two pay runs or pay dates.

  1. Click the Pay menu on the purple side bar.
  2. Under Payroll, click the Reports submenu.
  3. Click Variance Report.
  4. In Compare, choose Pay Periods or Pay Runs.
  5. Enter the details for the two pay periods or pay runs you want to compare.
  6. Enter the Highlight Variance %.
  7. Tick the checkbox under Export Options to only show entries with variances.
  8. Click the Download File button.
    screenshot of the pay run variance report page, highlighting the download file button
Download a journal report

The Journal Report lets you download your journal for a finalised pay run.

  1. Click the Pay menu on the purple side bar.
  2. Under Payroll, click the Reports submenu.
  3. Click Journal Report.
  4. Choose the Pay Schedule you need.
  5. Choose the Pay Run you need.
  6. Click the Download File button.
    screenshot of the journal report page, highlighting the download file button
Download a gross to net report

The Gross to Net report will show you a breakdown of the total earnings and deductions for each employee over a given period.

  1. Click the Pay menu on the purple side bar.
  2. Under Payroll, click the Reports submenu.
  3. Click Gross to Net Report.
  4. In Filter, choose Pay Run or Date Range.
  5. Enter the details of the Pay Run or Date Range.
  6. Enter the details for the following:
    • Employees.
    • Pay Schedule.
    • Pay Categories.
    • Location.
    • Group By.
  7. Tick the checkbox to include expenses, if needed.
  8. Click the Download File button.
    screenshot of the gross to net report page, highlighting the download file button

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