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Download a leave balances report

Available for the following plans: Employment Lite, Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following user access levels: Admin

The Leave Balance Reporting feature lets you analyse employees’ current and historical leave balances, including leave value, loading value, and leave type. You can also download the data and export to Excel.

Download a leave balances report

Download a leave balances report
  1. Click the Pay menu.
  2. Click the Reports submenu.
  3. Click the Leave Balances button.
  4. Select from the following fields:
    • As at date/Pay run.

      Helpful Hint

      Please refer to the Switching between the "As at date" and "Pay run" filters item in Further information to learn about the two filters.

    • Location.
    • Leave Type
    • Group by.
    • Employing Entity.
  5. Click the Download File button.
    Download file.jpg

    Helpful Hint

    You will now see your leave balance report on your screen.

Further information

Switching between the "As at date" and "Pay run" filters

When it comes to the Leave Balances report, it is always best to toggle the button above and switch to "Pay Run" instead of "As at date". This is because the pay run data is the most accurate.

The "As at date" function is used to predict leave for the future based on the employee's pay rate and standard hours in their default settings as they are at the date chosen. For example, if you want to run a report based on the 31st December 2024, it would calculate their current balance (most recent pay run) and the estimated leave and value calculated at that time.

The reason why you are seeing different values is that it is picking up the new pay rates and applying them to the calculations.

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