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Give access to payroll features via custom security settings

Available for the following plans: Employment Lite, Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following user access levels: Admin

You can use custom security settings to give different levels of permission and access to pay runs, payroll communications and payroll reports. This is useful for giving different people the correct permissions for whatever their job requires. For example, your main payroll administrator may require the ability to modify pay runs but an assistant may only need view-only access.

For pay runs, you can either give employees view-only access or the ability to modify pay runs. For payroll communications, you can choose to give view-only access or the ability to send messages. For payroll reporting, again you can only give the ability to generate a report.

The below shows you how to grant these permissions to employees.

Custom security settings for Pay runs

This shows you how to give employees read-only or modify permission to access pay runs.

  1. Click the Settings menu.
  2. Under General Settings, click the Custom Security Settings submenu.
  3. Click the New Security Group button to create a new security group.
  4. Complete the relevant fields, including Group name, description and who you want to include in the group. For more information on setting up Security groups see this article.
  5. Click the Other permissions tab.
  6. Scroll down to the Pay runs setting.
  7. You can give a group of employees the following permissions:
    • View: These employees can see employee count, report pack and gross wages but cannot approve a pay run.
    • Modify: These employees can amend, prepare pay runs and approve pay runs.
      1 Pay runs check box.jpg
  8. Tick the relevant check box, then click Create.
Custom security settings for Payroll communications

This shows you how to give employees read-only or modify permission to access pay runs.

  1. Click the Settings menu.
  2. Under General Settings, click the Custom Security Settings submenu.
  3. Click the New Security Group button to create a new security group.
  4. Complete the relevant fields, including Group name, description and who you want to include in the group. For more information on setting up Security groups see this article.
  5. Click the Other permissions tab.
  6. Scroll down to the Payroll Communications setting.
  7. You can give a group of employees the following permissions:
      • View: These employees have read-only access to current and past messages.
      • Modify: These employees can view, send messages and start new message threads.
        2 Payroll comms checkboxes.jpg
  8. Tick the relevant check box, then click Create.
Custom security settings for Payroll reports

This shows you how to give employees read-only or modify permission to access payroll reporting.

  1. Click the Settings menu.
  2. Under General Settings, click the Custom Security Settings submenu.
  3. Click the New Security Group button to create a new security group.
  4. Complete the relevant fields, including Group name, description and who you want to include in the group. For more information on setting up Security groups see this article.
  5. Click the Other permissions tab.
  6. Scroll down to the Payroll Reports setting.
  7. Giving Modify access will allow the group of employees the ability to generate and download payroll reports as XLSX files.
    3 Payroll reporting checkboxes.jpg
  8. Tick the relevant check box, then click Create.
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