How do I manage an employee's emergency contacts via the HR platform?

Sometimes an employee's emergency contacts need updating when their chosen contacts circumstances change. These changes can include needing to update an emergency contacts phone number if they change to a different service provider, or needing to add or remove contacts from the list if the employees' relationships change.

The Emergency Contacts feature is where you update these details if they change, with the HR platform reflecting theses changes throughout the entire platform. This means there is only one place you need to update your details if they change. Ensuring your employee record on the HR platform is always up to date.


HR Plan:   Standard   Premium   Platinum
  User Access:   Employee         Manager         Admin      

  This is the default access level per user and whether they have  view,  edit and  delete access, excluding any changes made via our Custom Security feature.

Getting started

It is crucial that as an employee you keep these details current at all times. It makes things easier should something happen to you.

Add emergency contact details
  1. Click the Personnel menu.
  2. Click the Employees submenu.
  3. Select the employee that needs emergency contact details added.
  4. Click the Emergency Contacts tab.
  5. Click the   Add Emergency Contact button.
    screenshot of ashe sylvian personnel contact details page. there are options for previous employee, next employee and search. Then the main module. down the left hand side are 18 tabs of various personal detail fields. emergency contacts is selected and shown on screen. the emergency contacts screen shows an add emergency contact button, highlighted. below is a table of that employee's emergency contacts and their details name, relationship, daytime number, after hours number, after hours mobile, contact type, actions.
  6. Complete the following fields:
    • Contact name.
    • Daytime contact number.
    • After hours number.
    • After hours mobile.
    • Relationship.
    • Contact type:
      • Primary.
      • Secondary.
      • Additional.


    In order for an emergency contact detail to sync to the payroll platform, you must select either the Primary or the Secondary options.

  7. Click the Save button.
    screenshot of the add new contact popup.


The below premises cover how you can edit and/or delete your emergency contact information.

Edit emergency contact details
  1. Click the Personnel menu.
  2. Click the Employees submenu.
  3. Select the employee that needs their emergency contact details edited.
  4. Click the Emergency Contacts tab.
  5. Click the Actions   button.
  6. Click the   Edit button.
    screenshot of ashe sylvian personnel contact details page. there are options for previous employee, next employee and search. Then the main module. down the left hand side are 18 tabs of various personal detail fields. emergency contacts is selected and shown on screen. the emergency contacts screen shows an add emergency contact button. below is a table of that employee's emergency contacts and their details name, relationship, daytime number, after hours number, after hours mobile, contact type, actions. actions is highlighted in red triggering edit and delete to appear
  7. Update the relevant information and then click the Save button.
    screenshot of the edit emergency contact popup screen
Delete an emergency contact details
  1. Click the Personnel menu.
  2. Click the Employees submenu.
  3. Select the employee that needs their emergency contact details deleted.
  4. Click the Emergency Contacts tab.
  5. Click the Actions   button.
  6. Click the   Delete button.
    screenshot of ashe sylvian personnel contact details page. there are options for previous employee, next employee and search. Then the main module. down the left hand side are 18 tabs of various personal detail fields. emergency contacts is selected and shown on screen. the emergency contacts screen shows an add emergency contact button. below is a table of that employee's emergency contacts and their details name, relationship, daytime number, after hours number, after hours mobile, contact type, actions. actions is highlighted, triggering the edit and delete menu.
  7. Click the Delete button.
    screenshot of the delete contact pop up. it asks are you sure you want to delete this emergency contact? cancel or delete?

Explore related content

  • HR platform: Building an emergency contacts report This feature takes you through the steps to build a quick reference emergency contact report for your employees, which saves vital time should there be such an unfortunate event.
  • HR platform: Reporting a safety incident This feature is important for employees so they can report incidents if they get injured at work. Being able to document and track these incidents easily makes adhering to all safety guidelines easier for the organisation, too.
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