How do I change the performance review rating scale settings?

Available for the following plans: Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following HR classic plans: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Employee  


The first stage in building a performance review is the creation of a rating scale. You can build these based on your organisation's values, key performance indicators (KPIs), targets or behaviour and competencies, which will help you identify areas where your employees are excelling and where they need improvement.

The rating scales feature allows you to build your own customisable rating scale or you can choose from Employment Hero's pre-provided templates. The feature also allows you to edit the information if the contents have changed, or delete the data if it is no longer relevant.

HR Best Practise

This feature allows you to create your own rating scale that is appropriate to your organisation or your respective questions. Our Experts recommend you include a description when writing your own rating scales. These will be visible to your employees and managers during the review process and will provide objectivity and consistency.

Getting started

Add rating scale
  1. Click the   Settings menu.
  2. Click the Review Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Rating Scales button.
  4. Click the Add New Rating Scale button.
  5. Complete the following fields:
    • Rating name.
    • Scale name.
    • Description.

    Helpful Hint

    You can use the Click to Add a New Rating Level button to add another scale name and a description field, and the Delete button to remove a scale name and a description field.


    You will need a minimum of two scale name and description fields.

  6. Click the Save button.


Edit rating scale
  1. Click the   Setting menu.
  2. Click the Review Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Rating Scales button.
  4. Click on the rating you need to edit.
  5. Make the required changes and click the Save button.


    You will need a minimum of two scale name and description fields.

  6. Click the Save button. 
Delete rating scale
  1. Click the   Setting menu.
  2. Click the Review Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Rating Scales button.
  4. Click the Delete button.
  5. Click the OK button.

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