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Onboard to Employment Hero Work or Employment Hero as a new employee

Available for the following plans: Employment Lite, Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following HR classic plans: Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access level: Employee

Employment Hero and super-app Employment Hero Work (EH Work) makes setting up your Employment Hero profile a breeze by breaking it down into easy-to-complete tasks. It involves filling in your personal information such as your address, bank account information, tax details and pension​ details. The steps in this article will show you how to complete your Employment Hero profile on a computer.


If you would like to learn how to onboard with the EH Work app, please refer to this article. 

 Interactive learning

Click here for an interactive demo
Click here to watch an instructional video


How to onboard on your phone via EH Work

Step 1: Download the EH Work app
  1. You will be sent an email with a link inviting you to the platform.
  2. Click the Join now button in the email.
    Screenshot of invitation email highlighting join now button
  3. This will open a new tab with a QR code. Scan the QR code with your camera.
    screenshot of QR Code Screen
  4. This will open the EH Work page in your phone's app store OR if you have already downloaded the EH Work app, it​ will open the app.
  5. Once EH Work has been downloaded onto your device, you are ready to create your account.
  6. You can select from either Onboard via the in-app browser or Onboard via desktop.
Step 2: Create your account
    1. Type your chosen password on the Password field.
    2. Select Onboard via the in-app browser.

    3. Click the Set Password button.
    4. Set a passcode.
      Screenshot of password screen
    5. Your contract will appear the first time you log in.


      If you cannot see your contract, this means your manager has decided to onboard you without it. They can issue your contract at any point after you finish your onboarding process. For advice, they can refer to this article: How do I manage my organisation's HR documents?

    6. Review your contract terms carefully.
    7. Click the By Signing and Finalising this Document checkbox to acknowledge you have read, understood, and agreed to your contract terms.
      Screenshot sign and accept screen with sign and accept highlighted

Helpful Hint

If you enter your email address into EH Work without having set up a password, this will trigger a new email to be sent to your registered email address, which will prompt you to set up your password so that you can log in to EH Work.

How to onboard on a computer via Employment Hero

Step 1: Set your password


Your invitation link to join the platform expires after 72 hours. Your manager can resend a link if your invitation expires. For help, they can refer to this article: How do I invite my employees to the Employment Hero platform?

  1. You will be sent an invitation link to onboard to fill in all your details.
  2. Open the invitation email.
  3. Click the Join Now button.
    Screenshot of invitation email highlighting join now button
  4. You will need your phone for this step. After clicking the Join Now button, a new tab will open with a QR code. Scan the QR code with your phone camera.
    screenshot of QR Code Screen
  5. This will open the EH Work page in your phone's app store OR if you have already downloaded the EH Work app, it​ will open the app.
  6. Once EH Work has been downloaded onto your device, you are ready to create your account.
  7. Click the Set Password button.
    screenshot of the page where you can set your password, with a highlight on the set password button
Step 2: Sign your contract


If you cannot see your contract, this means your manager has decided to onboard to the platform without it. They can always issue your contract at any point after you finish your onboarding process. To do so, they can refer to this article: How do I manage my organisation's HR documents?

  1. Review your contract terms carefully.
  2. Click the By Signing and Finalising this Document checkbox to acknowledge you have read, understood, and agreed to your contract terms.
    screenshot of the contract, with a highlight on the checkbox acknowledging the terms on the document
  3. Put your signature on the Sign your signature field.

    Helpful Hint

    To sign, you can:
    • Use your mouse to draw your signature; or
    • Click the  button to upload a photo of your signature. The recommended size for your upload is 300 x 100 pixels.
  4. Click the Sign and Accept button.
    screenshot of the contract, highlighting the signature field and the sign and accept button


    You can always access your contract once you finish onboarding from the My Documents feature.
Step 3: Enter your personal details
  1. In the Personal Details section, enter the following:
    • Title.
    • Date of birth.
    • Gender.
    • Address Country.
    • Residential postcode (optional). 
    • Residential Address.
    • City/Town.
    • County.
    • Postcode.
    • Time zone.
    • Personal Mobile Number.
    Personal details (1).jpg
  2. In the Emergency Contact section, enter the following:
    • Contact Name.
    • Daytime Contact Number.
    • After Hours Number.
    • After Hours Mobile.
    • Relationship.
  3. In the Bank Details section, enter the following:
    • Account Type
    • Account Name.
    • Account Number.
    • Sort code.
    • Roll number (optional).
    Personal details 2 (1).jpg
  4. If there is an Additional Information section, enter the required details.

    Helpful Hint

    If you cannot see the Additional Information section, this means your manager has disabled the feature for you. They can enable it by following this article: How do I customise onboarding and employee file fields?
  5. Click the Next button.
    screenshot of the additional information section, with a highlight on the next button
Step 4: Enter your tax and NI details

Helpful Hint

If you are a new employee, choose whether to select the Do you have a P45 Form tick box. If you select this field, the P45 form will now show on your onboarding screen.

  1.  In the Tax and NI Details section, enter the following:
    • Do you have a P45 form.


      If you click the Do you have a P45 form? checkbox, the Previous Employer (P45) section will appear at the bottom of the page. If you do not have a P45 form, you can leave the checkbox unticked.

    • Payroll ID.
    • Employee statement.
    • Has student loan.
    • Has post grad load.
  2. In the National Insurance Details section, enter the following:
    • National insurance number (NINO).
    • National insurance category.
    • Company director.
    Tax and NI.jpg
  3. In the Previous Employer (P45) section, complete the following:
    • Employee PAYE reference.
    • Leaving date.
    • Student Loan deductions to continue.
    • Tax code at leaving date.
    • Total pay to date.
    • Total tax to date.
    • Upload P45.


    The Previous Employer (P45) section will only appear if you clicked the Do you have a P45 form? checkbox in the Tax and NI Details section.

  4. Click the Next button.
    screenshot of the P 45 section, with a highlight on the next button
Step 5: Set your work eligibility
  1. Select either Yes or No to the question Are you a United Kingdom citizen or a United Kingdom permanent resident?
    screenshot of the work eligibility screen, highlighting the question on citizenship and residency

    Helpful Hint

    • If you answered Yes, jump to 4. Click the Acknowledgement checkbox.
    • If you answered No, continue to the next number normally.
  2. Complete the following fields in the Work Eligibility section:
    • Passport number.
    • Passport expiry date.
    • Country of passport.
    • Visa type.
    • Visa start date.
    • Visa expiry date.
  3. Click the Add document button to upload supporting documents.
    screenshot of the work eligibility page where you can enter your passport and visa details
  4. Click the Acknowledgement checkbox.
  5. Click the Next button.
    screenshot of the acknowledgement section of the work eligibility page, highlighting the next button

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