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How do I manage my organisation's learning via the HR platform?

As a manager, it is important to have an engaged and motivated team, as this leads to an increase in productivity, motivation, and employee engagement. By investing in your team's learning and letting them know you care about their professional development, you will create a motivated team that goes above and beyond with their duties.

The Learning Management feature summarises the learning content assigned to your team, and what progress they have made on these tasks. You can also use this feature to access the Employment Hero Learning platform and assign additional learning material to your team.

Getting started

  Select which learning platform you integrated with for the relevant instructions.

EH Learning Go1

Available for the following HR plans: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following Learning plans: Standard, Plus
Available for the following user access levels: Manager   , Admin   

View your team's learning
  1. Click the   Development menu.
  2. Click the Learning Management submenu.

    Helpful Hint

    You can click the Assign Learning button to take you to your learning platform, where you can assign further learning content to your team.


Further information

Why can I only assign learning to my direct reports?

Managers can only assign learning to their direct reports. Only users with Admin access can assign learning material and courses to employees who are not within their direct reporting line.

If you need to be able to perform this action frequently, please discuss with your organisation's admin about getting Admin user access on the platform.

Explore related content

  • HR Platform: My Learning This feature summarises the learning content assigned to you and provides you with a direct link to access this content in our Employment Hero Learning platform.
  • HR Platform: Assigned Learning Report This feature enables you to create a report that you can use to analyse the progress made by your employees on their allocated learning content.
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