Select your platform and then browse by platform category

Who are you and what section are you in?

How do I report a safety incident?

Available for the following plans: Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following HR plans: Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Manager, Admin

The HR platform offers the Safety Incident Report, which allows you to view the specifics of safety incidents reported by both employees and contractors in your company. Additionally, you have the option to download a CSV version of the report for viewing when not connected to the internet.

Interactive learning

Click here for an interactive demo

Getting started

Running a Safety Incident Report
  1. Click the Reports menu.
  2. Click the Compliance tab.
  3. Click the Safety Report tile.
    of compliance reports page with incident report highlighted
  4. Use the following filters to refine the display:
    • Filter by.
    • Personnel.
    • Team.
    • Locations.
    Screenshot of the incident report page with the report highlighted

Download data

Download the report as CSV
  1. Click the Reports menu.
  2. Click the Compliance tab.
  3. Click the Safety Report tile.
    of compliance reports page with incident report highlighted
  4. Use the following filters to refine the display:
    • Filter by.
    • Personnel.
    • Team.
    • Locations.
  5. Click the Export to CSV button
    Screenshot of the incident report page with the export button highlighted

  Don't have access to this feature? Contact our friendly sales team here if you’d like to upgrade your account to gain access to safety incident reporting with Employment Hero today.

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