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Create and download employee headcount reports

Available for the following plans: Employment Lite, Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following HR classic plans: Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following User Access levels: Admin      

The Active Employee Reporting feature allows you to create a report that you can use to analyse what your headcount was at a specific date broken down by their employment type and location. You can also use this feature to download a CSV file of the data. Enabling you to load the report into a CSV-supported program like Microsoft Excel.

Getting started

Create an active employee report


The Headcount Report uses the Start Date field in the Employment History feature. It means an employee will not appear in the Headcount Report if they have a future start date.

  1. Click the   Reports menu.
  2. Click the People tab.
  3. Click the Headcount Reports box.
    screenshot of the reports page, with a highlight on the people tab and headcount reports box
  4. Refine your search based on the following:
    • Active headcount on x date.
    • Employment type.
    • Contract type.
    • More.
  5. Click the Filter button.
    Headcount 1.jpg

Data management

Download your active employee headcount report


The Headcount Report uses the Start Date field in the Employment History feature. This means an employee will not appear in the Headcount Report if they have a future start date.

  1. Click the   Reports menu.
  2. Click the People tab.
  3. Click the Headcount Reports box.
    screenshot of the reports page, with a highlight on the people tab and headcount reports box
  4. Refine your search based on the following:
    • Active headcount on x date.
    • Employment type.
    • Contract type.
    • More.
  5. Click the Filter button.
  6. Click the Download CSV button.
    Headcount 2.jpg

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