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Create, launch, and end a compensation cycle

Available for the following plans: Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following HR classic plans: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access level: Manager   ,Admin   

You can manage salaries, bonuses, and benefits in one location using Compensation Manager. This feature lets you make sure that any compensatory changes are managed fairly and effectively, and are properly administered to the affected employee. The Compensation Manager is designed to streamline the process of making compensatory changes, and it will help you avoid any mistakes or errors.


The Compensation Manager feature is ‌currently on a pre-release trial. Further details regarding the full release will be announced soon.

For admins

The following outlines the steps that Administrators perform regarding the compensation cycle.

Create a new compensation cycle
  1. Click the Pay menu.
  2. Click Management under the Compensation menu.
  3. Select Create a new cycle.
  4. Enter the following details of the Compensation Cycle, then click Next:
    • Title
    • Default Currency
    • Date pay comes into effect
  5. Select the applicable employees, which will appear in the list of employees.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Select any applicable rules to apply to this compensation cycle, then click Next.
  8. The following screen outlines any exchange rates based on currencies not local to where the business is located.
  9. Select Next.

    Helpful Hint

    If the currency selected is in the same region as the business, you will be notified that no currency exchanges will need to occur.

  10. Select the allocated/additional budget for the compensation review, based on the employees selected.
  11. Click Create. comp02.jpg
Launch a compensation cycle
  1. Click the Pay menu.
  2. Click Management under the Compensation menu.
  3. Select the compensation cycle you would like to start.
  4. Check employee details, then click Launch.
  5. Select Launch again.
End a compensation cycle
  1. Click the Pay menu.
  2. Click Management under the Compensation menu.
  3. Select the compensation cycle you would like to end.
  4. Select End cycle.
  5. Confirm your selection.
  6. The cycle will now show as Ended on the Compensation Management list.
Delete a compensation cycle
  1. Click the Pay menu.
  2. Click Management under the Compensation menu.
  3. Click the Delete action on the cycle you would like to delete.
  4. Confirm the deletion.

The following outlines the steps that a Manager performs during the compensation review

Make a recommendation
  1. Click the Pay menu.
  2. Click Management under the Compensation menu.
  3. Select the current compensation cycle.
  4. Select the employee you would like to recommend for review.
  5. Add any notes applicable to the review, then select Save.
  6. Add any additional comments, then click Send for Approval.
  7. Confirm the recommendation with the Send for Approval button.
  8. You can now see the approval status of the review, along with any comments and review activity.

Further information

How do we determine the salary benchmark?

Our salary benchmark data is powered by over 400,000 Employment Hero data points to provide a breakdown based on seniority, tenure, industry, and residential state.

It helps employer managers by telling them if an employee's salary is low/medium or high compared to the benchmark, and how confident we are in the benchmark banding.


What do the highlighted rules and alerts mean?

If the alert is orange, this means that the effective date is the same or after the cycle effective date, and that this should be resolved before the admin ends the cycle.

If an employee is highlighted as purple, this means that their recommendation is above the guidance set. If the employee is highlighted as orange, their recommendation is below the set guidance.


Can I download a CSV of the current compensation review?

You can download a CSV of the current compensation review by clicking the Download button when viewing the review.


Don't have access to this feature? Contact our friendly sales team here if you’d like to upgrade your account to gain access to Compensation Manager with Employment Hero today.

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