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Manage leave types and policies on the HR and Payroll classic platforms

Available for the following HR classic plan: Standard, Premium
Available for the following user access levels: Manager, Admin    

To manage leave in Employment Hero, leave types and leave policies must be created in Employment Hero and assigned to your employees. 

To manage the payment of that leave type, the payment set-up must be completed in your Payroll classic platform. 

  • A leave type is the type of leave selected by the employee (e.g. Annual Leave).
  • A leave policy determines the rules associated with that leave type (e.g. 25 days should be assigned on January 1st each year).
  • The  payment set-up of leave types determines how your employees are paid against  a particular leave type and how the leave is reported in the pay-run. 

This article is applicable for clients that have purchased Employment Hero Payroll classic and Employment Hero HR that have moved on to the new leave functionality. Full details of the new functionality can be found via the FAQs here


The following leave types and their corresponding payment set-up will be created by default. 

  • Statutory sick leave.
  • Statutory maternity leave.
  • Statutory adoption leave.
  • Statutory paternity leave.
  • Statutory Parental bereavement leave.

The following leave types will be auto-created by default but the payment set-up must be completed by the client. 

  • Annual Leave 
  • Sick Leave 

Getting started

Add a leave type, policy + assign your employees 

Log into your Employment Hero HR platform.

  • Click the Settings menu.
  • Click the Leave Settings submenu.
  • Click the Add Leave Type button.
    screenshot of the leave settings page, with a highlight on the add leave type button
  • Complete the following fields:
    • Leave Type Name 
      • E.G Annual Leave Standard
    • Leave Balance Tracking 
      • Select Track balance accruals and leave taken if you want to add a policy to your leave type. A policy determine the balance and rules that should be assigned to the leave type. 
        • If track balance accruals and leave taken is selected, the leave type in Payroll classic automatically becomes an Entitlement Based Leave type. 
      • Select Only track leave taken if you do not wish to track a balance against this leave type.
        • If only track leave taken is selected, the leave type in Payroll classic automatically becomes a Standard leave type. 
    • Unit Type
      • Select Days if your employees take their leave in days
      • Select Hours if your employees take their leave in hours
    • Select whether a Return to work is required for this leave type
    • Click the Save button.
      screenshot of the add leave type modal, with a highlight on the save button
    • To add a leave policy, complete the following fields:
      • Leave Policy Name.
      • Accrual Starts
      • Amount Accrued  
      • Add an additional Tier if you award an additional balance to your employees based on length of service
      screenshot of the upper half of the add leave policy page
      • Carry Over Amount - choose from None, Unlimited or up to X number of days
      • Carry Over Date (Note: your holiday calendar year will default here
      • Pro Rata for Part Time/Casual Employees (select this option if you want your part-time workers to receive a pro rated amount of leave) 
      • Leave Balance for New Employees.
        • Select Do not apply leave balance to employees on assignment if you want to manually assign balances to your new employees
        • Select Apply full balance amount on employee assignment if your employees should receive the full amount of leave assigned to this policy
        • Select Apply a pro rata amount on employee assignment if you want your employees to receive a pro rated leave entitlement based on their start date in the current holiday calendar year (Note: the calculation is based on calendar days in a year) 
    • Click the Save button.
      screenshot of the lower half of the add leave policy page, with a highlight on the save button
    • To assign the policy to certain employees, drag their name from the Available column to the Selected column.

      Helpful Hint

      You can click the >> button to move all employees to the Selected column.

    • Click the Save button.
      screenshot of the modal where you assign the policy to employees, with the save button highlighted


Add a leave policy to an existing leave type
  1. Click the   Settings menu.
  2. Under Payroll classic Settings, click the Leave Settings submenu.
  3. Click the  button.
  4. Click the Add Policy button.
    screenshot of the leave settings page, with a highlight on the three dots and add policy buttons
  5. Complete the following fields:
    • Leave Policy Name.
    • Accrual Details:
      • Accrual Starts.
      • Amount Accrued.
    • Carry Over Amount.
    • Carry Over Date.
    • Pro Rata for Part Time/Casual Employees.
    • Leave Balances for New Employees.
  6. Click the Save button.
    screenshot of the add new policy page, with a highlight on the save button
  7. To assign the policy to certain employees, drag their name from the Available column to the Selected column.

    Helpful Hint

    You can click the >> button to move all employees to the Selected column.

  8. Click the Save button.
    screenshot of the assign policy modal, with a highlight on the save button
Complete the payment set-up of leave 
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll classic platform.
  2. Click the  Business Settings menu.
  3. Click the Payroll classic Settings submenu.
  4. Click Leave Categories button.
  5. Select the leave category
  6. Complete the following Payment setup fields:
    • Basic - By selecting ‘basic’ it means that when an employee does not use timesheets, the employees leave balance will be reduced and the earnings are not impacted. If the employee does not submit timesheets for all time worked, their balance will be reduced. 
    • Do not pay for the leave taken - When an employee does not use timesheets, an earnings line with negative hours will be added within the pay run to reduce the earnings for the employee. When an employee is using timesheets to submit all time worked, no earnings line will be created.
    • Report the earnings for the leave taken against another pay category - When wanting to report payments for leave taken in a separate pay category, for reporting or journaling purposes, select this option. The earnings related to the leave taken will be assigned against the specified pay category instead of the employee's primary pay category. When this is selected, you’ll be  given the option to use the rate of pay from the employee's primary pay category and you can click on the drop down box to choose which pay category you would like, including the primary pay category. Please note that by ticking this box, the system assumes that you still want the employee to be paid their usual rate of pay. 
    • Custom - This option allows the user to deduct hours from an arbitrary pay category and transfer them to another arbitrary pay category when leave is taken. You can see the drop down boxes here, you can choose from the pay categories within the system. 
  7. Click the Save button.

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