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Manage medical disclosure statements

Available for the following plans: Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following HR classic plans: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Employee, Admin   

Sometimes your medical circumstances change. When that happens, you need to update your medical clearance to work because of a recent medical event or revise your existing declared conditions because you have recovered. You can update these details in the Medical Disclosure feature, making sure your employee record is always up to date.


You will only see this feature if your organisation has enabled Medical Disclosure via Menu Customisation. When you update your Medical Disclosure Statement, the platform creates a task for your primary manager or admin that lets them acknowledge the change you made.

Manage your own medical disclosure statement

Any employee can disclose a medical condition for themselves.

Disclose a medical condition
  1. Click the   Home menu.
  2. Click the Account button.
  3. Click the My Profile button.
  4. Select the Employee records tile.
  5. Click the Medical Disclosure Statement tab.
  6. Click the Edit button.
  7. Enter the nature of your injury or medical condition.
  8. Select Yes or No regarding your medical clearance to work.
  9. Enter your current work restrictions.
  10. Click the Save button.
Edit a medical condition
  1. Click the   Home menu.
  2. Click the Account button.
  3. Click the My Profile button.
  4. Select the Employee records tile.
  5. Click the Medical Disclosure Statement tab.
  6. Make the required changes.
  7. Click the Save button.
Delete a medical condition
  1. Click the   Home menu.
  2. Click the Account button.
  3. Click the My Profile button.
  4. Click the Medical Disclosure Statement tab.
  5. Click the  button for the medical condition you want to delete.
  6. Click the Save button.

Manage an employee's medical disclosure statement as an admin

A company admin can manage an employee's medical disclosure.

Acknowledge a medical disclosure statement update

Helpful Hint

When an employee updates their Medical Disclosure Statement, the platform creates a scheduled task for their primary manager (or admin, if there is no primary manager assigned to the employee). When the task is created, it will trigger an email notification. You can also set up when-if-then automated workflows when this happens. Click here to learn more.

  1. Click the   Home menu.
  2. Click the   button in the To do list block on your dashboard.
  3. Click View all tasks.
  4. Click the My Tasks tab.

    Helpful Hint

    You may check the Other Tasks tab if the employee is not your direct report.

  5. Click the Actions dropdown button for the platform-generated medical disclosure task.
  6. Click the View button.
    Screenshot of tasks screen, highlighting view button
  7. Click the Here button.
    Screenshot of view task screen, highlighting here button

    Helpful Hint

    You will now be taken to the Medical Disclosure Statement screen on the employee file page.

  8. Click the Acknowledge button.
    Screenshot of medical disclosure statement highlighting acknowledge button

    Helpful Hint

    You will now see the acknowledgement banner on the medical disclosure page, showing who acknowledged these details and when.

    Screenshot of medical disclosure statement highlighting ackowledgement
Disclose a medical condition for an employee
  1. Click the   People menu.
  2. Click the Employees List submenu.
  3. Select the employee that needs a medical condition added.
  4. Click the Medical Disclosure Statement tab.
  5. Click the Edit button.
    Screenshot of employee file screen, showing medical disclosure tab
  6. Enter the nature of their injury or medical condition.
  7. Select Yes or No regarding their medical clearance to work.
  8. Enter their current work restrictions. 
  9. Click the Save button.
    Screenshot of medical disclosure statement, highlighting save button
Edit an employee's medical condition
  1. Click the  People menu.
  2. Click the Employees List submenu.
  3. Select the employee that needs a medical record updated.
  4. Click the Medical Disclosure Statement tab.
  5. Make the required changes.
  6. Click the Save button.
    Screenshot of edit medical disclosure, highlighting save button
Delete an employee's medical condition
  1. Click the  People menu.
  2. Click the Employees List submenu.
  3. Select the employee that needs a medical record removed.
  4. Click the Medical Disclosure Statement tab.
  5. Click the  button for the condition you want to remove.
    Screenshot of medical disclosure statement highlighting delete button
  6. Click the Save button.
    Screenshot of medical disclosure statement, highlighting save button

Further information

Why can I not access the medical disclosure approval feature?

Your Employment Hero admin needs to have enabled via the Custom Security feature the ability for you to have view and modify access to the Medical Disclosure feature.


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