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How do I view my leave balance?

Available for the following plan: Employment Unlimited
Available for the following HR classic plan: Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Employee, Manager, Admin   

The My Leave Requests feature lets you view your leave balances on Employment Hero. You will be able to see your approved and pending leave requests, as well as your remaining balance. This feature will also let you view how your leave balance is calculated, per leave type.


If your organisation is connected to Payroll classic, please refer to this article.

Getting started

View your leave balance
  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Under Leave, click the Leave submenu.


    You will now see your leave balances in the My Leave Requests screen. There will be a horizontal bar per leave category that shows your:

    • Approved leave requests (in green)
    • Pending leave requests (in orange)
    • Remaining leave balance (in grey)
    screenshot of the my leave requests page, highlighting the column of leave balances
View your leave balance calculations
  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Cick the Leave submenu.
  3. Click the Show Calculations button for the leave type you need.
    screenshot of the my leave requests page, highlighting the show calculations button for a leave type

    Helpful Hint

    All employees can view their leave calculations. However, only managers and admins can see their leave tier.

    screenshot of the my leave requests page, highlight the balance calculations for a leave type

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