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Use different rostering views on Payroll classic

Available for the following Payroll classic plan: Premium
Available for the following User Access levels: Manager, Admin   

Creating or viewing a roster can be done using a day, week, or fortnight format. This provides the user with the flexibility to allocate and/or view shifts from different perspectives and personal preference.


This feature on Payroll classic is not available for users under the following plans: Employment Lite, Employment Plus, and Employment Unlimited. Instead, you need to use the Rostering feature on the Employment Hero platform.

Types of views

Day View

Day view is a great way to see detail in the coverage of shifts for employees and locations for a given day. When opening the roster, click on the Day button located in the top right corner to see your organisation's daily shifts.
1 Day view of roster.jpg
Whether you are in a day, week, or fortnightly view, if you want to look at today's shifts, you can simply click on Today located on the top left side, as follows.
2 Today view of roster.jpg

Week View

Viewing shifts in a week view is a great way to get a snapshot of what the work week is going to look like for a specific employee, location, and your business‌. When you first navigate to the Rostering page, the weekly view will appear by default. If you are in a different view and want to change back to weekly, click on the Week button in the top right corner of the page.

3 Week view of roster.jpg

Whether you are in day, week, or fortnightly view, if you want to look at today's shifts, you can simply click on Today, located on the top left side, as follows:
2 Today view of roster.jpg

Fortnight View

Viewing shifts in a fortnightly view is beneficial if you run a fortnightly pay period and want to analyse shift costs and employee allocations accordingly. To view shifts in fortnight view, click on the Fortnight button in the top right corner of the page.

5 Fortnight view of roster.jpg

Whether you are in day, week, or fortnightly view, if you want to look at today's shifts, you can simply click on Today located on the top left side, as follows:
2 Today view of roster.jpg

Calendar Shortcuts

Using the calendar

In the roster screen, you will notice a calendar in the left corner. Calendar view.jpg

You can use the calendar to easily navigate to a date in the future or the past, whether you are in a day, week, or fortnight view. When you go to the rostering screen, the calendar view will always default to the current month. 

7 calendar view of roster with June highlighted.jpg

You can then click on the year to open up the option of seeing other years. Using the calendar, you can easily navigate to whatever date you want, whether a year in advance or six months ago.

8 Calendar view of rosters with 2024 highlighted.jpg

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