Grant full EH Payroll access to another user FAQ

Available for the following plans: Employment Lite, Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited


How do I give full EH Payroll access to another person through custom security settings?


There are two ways to grant access for EH Payroll. You can add EH Payroll access to an existing custom security group or make a new group specific for EH Payroll.

Click the right tab below based on what you want to do:

Add EH Payroll access to an existing custom security group
  1. Click the Settings menu on the purple side bar.
  2. Under General Settings, click Custom Security Settings.
  3. Click the existing custom security group you want to add EH Payroll access to.
  4. Click the Other Permissions tab.
    screenshot of the new custom security group, where you can fill in the name, description, and employees who need access, and highlighting the other permissions tab
  5. Scroll to the middle of the page, near Offboarding and Onboarding.
  6. Click the checkbox for Use for Pay Runs.
    screenshot highlighting the use checkbox for pay runs
  7. Click the Save button.
    screenshot of the security group, highlighting the save button
Create a new custom security group for EH Payroll access
  1. Click the Settings menu on the purple side bar.
  2. Under General Settings, click Custom Security Settings.
  3. Click the New Security Group button.
    screenshot of the custom security settings page, highlighting the new security group button
  4. Complete the following fields:
    • Group name.
    • Description.
    • Set permission for:
      • You can click the checkbox for All employees; Or
      • Type the name of each employee you need in the Select members search bar and click their name.
  5. Click the Other Permissions tab.
    screenshot of the new custom security group, where you can fill in the name, description, and employees who need access, and highlighting the other permissions tab
  6. Scroll to the middle of the page, near Offboarding and Onboarding.
  7. Click the checkbox for Use for Pay Runs.
    screenshot highlighting the use checkbox for pay runs
  8. Click the Create button.
    screenshot of the security group, highlighting the create button

Further information

What will a user be able to do after I give them access to EH Payroll?

A user with EH Payroll access will be able to do the following:

  • Review, prepare, and approve pay runs.
  • Access and download reports.
  • View and send messages via the Communications tab.
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