Jameson Nixon
Employment Hero's resident technical writer who is experienced in creating and maintaining a SAAS HelpCentre through Zendesk Guide
How to add employee timesheets into a pay run via the payroll platform
Available for the following Payroll plans: Standard, Premium Within your organisation, you may have employees who need to submit a timesheet that lists out what hours they worked and the breaks the...
Managing leave adjustments within a pay run | Payroll Web Platform
Within your organisation, you may have a pay run where an employee needs an accrued leave balance adjusted to keep an accurate record of their leave entitlements. If this is the case, having payrol...
Why is my leave request locked | Global Teams FAQ
Question Why is my leave request locked? Availability HR Plan: Standard Premium Platinum Answer At the end of each month, all approved leave requests for Global Teams employees wi...
Goal progress reporting | HR Web Platform
The HR platform uses the Objective, Key Results (OKRs) framework that focuses on transparent company, team, and employee goals. When using OKRs effectively, you will align and connect all your empl...
Managing an employees tax and national insurance (NI) | HR Employee File
National Insurance, which is often abbreviated to NI (or NIC, National Insurance Contribution or NINO), is money that is paid to Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) by employers, employees, an...
When does my expense get reimbursed | Global Teams FAQ
Question As a Global Teams employee, when do my expense claims get reimbursed? Answer For Global Teams, you must submit all expense claims and have them approved before the 5th of the month for us ...
Creating a variance and audit report within a finalised pay run | Payroll Web Platform
Overview Within your organisation, a pay run is the method through which you will distribute your employees' pay and entitlements for the hours they worked within a specific period, such as the las...
Employing details record audit reporting | Payroll Web Platform
Overview Sometimes in your organisation you will see a record that has undergone a change, but you will be unsure of the who, when and what aspects. In these cases, being able to generate an audit ...
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) | HR Guide
Overview The security and privacy of all our customers is important at Employment Hero. Part of this commitment is to ensure Employment Hero adheres to legislation or guidelines set forth by govern...
Getting started with the basic template editor | HR Web Platform
Glossary Template to document flow Template types Creating templates Authorising signatory Sending signatory flow Template to document flow First up, let's cover the flow of how you turn a templ...