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How do I change the widgets on my dashboard?

Available for the following HR plan: Platinum
Available for the following user access level: Admin   

Your dashboard is a central hub that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. You now have the flexibility to customise your view by moving widgets around, adding new ones, or removing those that aren’t relevant to you. This allows you to prioritise the most important information. While some widgets, like the Company Feed, are fixed in place, most others can be arranged as you prefer, giving you a personalised and streamlined dashboard experience. Follow the steps below to learn how to make these changes.

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Changing widgets on your dashboard

Move widgets on your dashboard
    1. Click the Home button on the purple sidebar to access your dashboard.
    2. Hover over the widget you would like to move.
    3. Click and hold the drag handle (appears as a set of dots) located at the top of the widget.
      Grab handle.jpg
    4. Drag the widget to your desired location and release the mouse button to drop it.
    5. Your changes will automatically be saved, and this layout will become your default view the next time you log in.
Add widgets to your dashboard
    1. Click the Home button on the purple sidebar to access your dashboard.
    2. Click the Add Widget button at the top of the dashboard.
      Add widgets.jpg
    3. In the pop-up, you can choose which widgets to add or remove by selecting or deselecting them.
      Your options include: 
      • Pay slips.
      • Employee onboarding
      • HR Launchpad.
      • Leave calendar.
      • Goals.
      • Goals insights.
      • Team summary.
      • Team summary recognition.
    4. Click Save to apply your changes.


The following widgets are mandatory and cannot be removed:

  • Getting Started
  • Company Feed
  • To Do List / Surveys
  • Recommended
Remove widgets from your dashboard
    1. Click the ellipsis next to the widget you want to remove.
      Remove widget.jpg
    2. Click Remove widget.

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