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View birthdays and work anniversaries from the dashboard

Available for the following HR plans: Platinum
Available for the following User Access levels: Manager   , Admin   

As a manager or admin, celebrating staff birthdays and work anniversaries can improve teamwork and raise staff motivation. The Celebrations widget on the dashboard shows you the birthdays of all employees and their yearly work anniversaries. You can also set special security settings to let direct managers see birthdays and work anniversaries for their reporting employees.

Only managers with direct reports and specific security settings can see their reports birthday and they will appear on their dashboard. Otherwise, no one else can see employee birthdays.

Getting started

View current birthdays and work anniversaries
  1. Click the  Home menu.
  2. Scroll to the Celebrations widget.
  3. You will be able to view the birthdays and work anniversaries happening on the day.
View upcoming birthdays and work anniversaries
  1. Click the  Home menu.
  2. Scroll to the Celebrations widget.
  3. Click the Upcoming tab.
  4. You can view the upcoming birthdays and work anniversaries two weeks (14 days) before the event.
Filter birthdays and work anniversaries
  1. Click the  Home menu.
  2. Scroll to the Celebrations widget.
  3. Click the Filter button.
  4. You can filter by:
    • Search function
    • Team
    • Reporting personnel
Set custom security settings for managers to view birthdays and work anniversaries
  1. Click the Settings menu.
  2. Under General Settings, click the Custom Security Settings submenu.
  3. Click the New Security Group button to create a new security group.
  4. Under the Employees tab, click on the Reporting Employees tab.
  5. To set permissions to view birthdays, scroll down to Employee File (Non-Payroll details) and tick the View and Modify options. It is next to the Personal Details section.
    Screenshot of custom security settings screen, highlighting employee personal details option
  6. To set permissions to view work anniversaries, scroll down to Employee File (Payroll details) and tick the View and Modify options. It is next to the Employment Details section.
    Screenshot of custom security settings screen, highlighting employee employment details option

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