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Add your logo to your Employment Hero account

Available for the following HR plans: Free, Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Employee   Manager    , Admin    

Using logos in your HR platform is a useful way to ensure your information has a familiar icon that is easy to recognise for other users.

This article shows how to add a logo to your Employment Hero account. Once uploaded, the logo will show in various places across the platform and can also be used in reports, documents, and policies.

Add a logo to your Employment Hero account
  1. Click the Settings menu.
  2. Click Company settings submenu.
  3. Make sure you are in the Company Details tab.
  4. Click the Logo button.

    Note: The recommended image file size of your logo is 267px by 267px.

    Company details plus logo.jpg
  5. Upload the image you want to use as your logo.
  6. Click Save.

    Your logo will now be uploaded and will populate reports, documents, and contracts where applicable.

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