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Request feedback from and provide feedback for another employee

Available for the following plans: Premium, Platinum

The feedback feature allows you to provide feedback for a fellow employee, or to request feedback from them to find areas to improve in your role.

How it works

The feedback module provides a method to provide feedback loops between you and other employees. 

What you need to do

Provide feedback for an employee
  1. Select the Development menu item, then select the Feedback sub-menu.
  2. Select Give Feedback.
  3. Select the employee you would like to provide feedback for, the feedback itself, and whether you would like to share this feedback with the recipient and/or the recipient's manager.
  4. Select Send.
Request feedback from an employee
  1. Select the Development menu item, then select the Feedback sub-menu.
  2. Select Request Feedback.
  3. Select the employee you would like to receive feedback from, and what you would like feedback on.
  4. Select Send.
View your sent and received feedback
  1. Select the Development menu item, then select the Feedback sub-menu.
  2. Select the tab you would like to view.
    • Received: View any received feedback from other employees.
    • Sent: View any feedback sent to other employeers.
    • Requests Sent: View feedback requests that you have sent to other employees.
    • Requests Received: View any feedback requests for other employees that you have received.
    • Reporting Employees: View feedback for your direct reports if the feedback had Recipient's Manager checked when sent.
    • All Employees: View all sent and received feedback between employees (Admin only).

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