Add, automate, and manage pay schedules

Available for the following Payroll plans: Standard, Premium

The payroll platform allows you to create a new pay schedule, specify the pay frequency and set up the components that need automating and what components still require manual intervention. You can also edit this information if it changes, pause or stop an automation and delete the information if it is no longer required.


Any changes made to your pay schedules will need to be synced over to your HR platform. To read further details on how to undertake this, refer to the article: How do I update pay schedules via the HR platform?

Getting started

Add a pay schedule
  1. Click the  Business Settings menu.
  2. Click the Payroll Settings tab.
  3. Click the  Pay Schedules button.
  4. Click the Add button.screenshot of the pay schedules screen, highlighting the add button
  5. Complete the following fields:
    • Name
    • Frequency (choose from Weekly, Fortnightly, or Monthly)


      Selecting the monthly frequency option will display the Monthly Payment Mode option. This is used to calculate an average number of hours per month for employees with advanced standard work hours setup, as opposed to paying the specific hours per month based on the number of days in the month.

    • Monthly payment mode
    • Included employees
    • Pay slip messages
    • Pay run warnings

      Helpful Hint

      To read further details on what each pay run warnings means refer the following glossary.

    • Pay run finalisation settings
    • Pay run automation
    • Pay run approval
    • Pay run creation
  6. Click the Save button.
    screenshot of the pay schedules page, highlighting the save button
Automate a pay schedule
  1. Click the  Business Settings menu.
  2. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  3. Click the  Pay Schedules button.
  4. Click the pay schedule that needs to be automated.
    screenshot of the pay schedules page, highlighting a pay schedule
  5. Click the  button for Pay run automation.
    screenshot of the pay schedules screen, highlighting the edit button for pay run automation
  6. Complete the required fields for Auto Pay Schedule Details.
  7. Click the Next button.
    screenshot of the auto pay schedule details popup, highlighting the next button
  8. Set the required Warnings and Notifications.

    Helpful Hint

    To read further details on what each pay run warnings means, refer to the below section: "Definition: Pay schedule warnings".

  9. Click the Next button.
    screenshot of the warnings and notifications popup, highlighting the next button
  10. Select the required Pay Run Finalisation option.
  11. Click the Next button.
    screenshot of the pay run finalisation options popup, highlighting the next button
  12. Click the Complete button
    screenshot of the summary popup, highlighting the complete button
  13. Click the Save button.
    screenshot of the pay schedules screen, highlighting the save button

Data management

Edit a pay schedule
  1. Click the  Business Settings menu.
  2. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Pay Schedule button.
  4. Click the pay schedule that you want to edit (such as the the Ad Hoc pay schedule, as highlighted in the screenshot below).
    screenshot of the pay schedules page, highlighting a pay schedule
  5. Make the required changes.
  6. Click the Save button.
    screenshot of the pay schedules page, highlighting the save button
Pause an automated pay schedule
  1. Click the  Business Settings menu.
  2. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Pay Schedule button.
  4. Click the pay schedule that you want to pause.
    screenshot of the pay schedules page, highlighting an automated pay schedule
  5. Click the Pause button.
    screenshot of the pay schedules screen, highlighting the pause button
  6. Click the Save button
    screenshot of the paused pay run automation, highlighting the save button
Resume an automated pay schedule
  1. Click the  Business Settings menu.
  2. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Pay Schedule button.
  4. Click the pay schedule that you want to resume.
    screenshot of the pay schedules page, highlighting a paused pay schedule
  5. Click the Resume button.
    screenshot of the pay schedule, highlighting the resume button
  6. Click the Save button.
    screenshot of the pay schedules screen, highlighting the save button

Removing data

Stop an automated pay schedule
  1. Click the  Business Settings menu.
  2. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Pay Schedules button.
  4. Click the pay schedule that you want to stop.
    screenshot of the pay schedules page, highlighting an automated pay schedule
  5. Click the Stop button.
    screenshot of the pay schedules screen, highlighting the stop button
  6. Click the Delete button.
    screenshot of the confirm delete popup, highlighting the delete button
  7. Click the Save button.
    screenshot of the pay schedules page, highlighting the save button
Delete a pay schedule
  1. Click the  Business Settings menu.
  2. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Pay Schedules button.
  4. Click the Delete button (highlighted below).
    screenshot of the pay schedules screen, highlighting the delete icon for a pay schedule
  5. Click the Delete button in the Confirm delete? window.
    screenshot of the delete confirmation popup, highlighting the delete button

Further information

Definition: Pay schedule warnings
Employee with negative earnings amount The platform displays this warning when the net payment amount for an employee is less than 0.
Employee with unpaid earnings The platform displays this warning when an employee has an earnings line with hours applied, but the total value of the earnings line is 0. This usually shows there's an error with the employee's rate of pay.
Employee with birthday The platform displays this warning when an employee has a birthday during the pay run period and therefore may need to have their rate of pay reviewed.
Employee with work anniversary The platform displays this warning when the anniversary of the employees start date occurs during the pay run period and therefore may need to have their rate of pay reviewed
Employee taking more leave than they have accrued The platform displays this warning when an employee is attempting to take more leave than they have accrued.
Pro rata earnings within the period for new or terminated employees The platform displays this warning when an employee, set up with default standard hours, has either started employment or terminated employment mid-pay period and so the system calculated pro rata hours. This warning acts as a reminder to check that the platform has correctly calculated the employee's pro rata hours.
Previously terminated employee The platform displays this warning when an inactive employee, who has a previous termination, appears in the pay run.
Terminated employee with outstanding recurring expenses The platform displays this warning when a previously terminated employee, owed an expense reimbursement amount from their expense pay run inclusion, appears in the pay run.
Employee with expired qualification The platform displays this warning when an employee's qualification has expired within the pay run period.
Employee with duplicate earnings lines The platform displays this warning when there is more than one earnings line associated with the same timesheet line that contains the same units, pay rate, total earnings and note.
Employee expense without a tax code selected The platform displays this warning when applying an expense request in a pay run and it the request does not contain a tax code. This is only applicable where a connection between the business and an online journal service exists and has synced their tax codes against the expense categories.
Employee has reached their leave cap The platform displays this warning for any employee whose leave entitlements have reached the maximum accrual for the year.
Pending leave requests The platform displays this warning when an employee has submitted a leave request pertaining to any dates within that pay period, that need approval still. The platform can not apply pending leave requests into a pay run, so the system does not automatically apply pending leave requests to an automated pay run.
Leave request extends past pay run dates The platform displays this warning when an employee's leave request spans multiple pay periods. This warning is important as it highlights only a portion of the leave request needs to be applied in the current pay run.
Leave request ends before pay run dates The platform displays this warning when an employee's leave request dates back in the past and is therefore relevant to previous pay periods.
Incomplete pay run tasks The platform displays this warning when tasks created for the pay run in question need completing.
Pending Expense Requests

The platform displays this warning when an employee has submitted an expense request pertaining to the pay period that still needs to be approved. The platform does not process pending expense requests in the pay run unless approved. The platform does not automatically apply pending expense requests to an automated pay run.

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