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How do I view an overview of team Shout Outs and recognition via the HR platform?

Available for the following HR plans: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Manager   , Admin   

As a manager or admin, it is important to see how your staff are performing, the teammates they recognise, and which employees are going above and beyond in their duties. It will reflect ‌top performers and those who could benefit from additional training and mentoring.

The shout-outs and recognition widgets on the dashboard show you the top members of your team sending and receiving Shout Outs and recognition in the current month. You can also see who are your most engaged users. They are the employees who have reacted with emojis the most on the posts in your organisation's company feed.

Getting started

Viewing team shout outs
  1. Click the  Home menu.
  2. Scroll to the Team Summary - Shout Outs section.
  3. Filter your view.
    • All employees – available for admins and owners
    • Direct – available for managers
    • Direct & Indirect – available for managers

    Helpful Hint

    If multiple employees are top senders or receivers, you can click the  sign to view the full list. You can find the following in the shout-outs widget:
    • Top Sender – who sent the most shout-outs for the current month
    • Top Receiver – who received the most shout-outs for the current month
    • Growth from last month – the current month's shout-outs compared to the previous month
    • Most engaged – who reacted the most to the shout-outs for the current month
Viewing team recognition
  1. Click the  Home menu.
  2. Scroll to the Team Summary - Recognition section.
  3. Filter your view.
    • All employees – available for admins and owners
    • Direct – available for managers
    • Direct & Indirect – available for managers

    Helpful Hint

    If there are multiple top senders or receivers, you can click the  sign to view the full list. You can find the following in the recognition widget:
    • Top Sender – who sent the most recognition for the current month
    • Top Receiver – who received the most recognition for the current month
    • Growth from last month – the current month's recognitions compared to the previous month
    • Most engaged – who reacted the most to the recognitions for the current month

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