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View an employee's assigned assets

Available for the following HR plans: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Employee, Manager, Admin

As a manager, you can see what assets are assigned to your employees using the asset register. This allows you to maintain a high-performing team that has the right tools to do their job. You can use the Asset feature within an employee's file to view the details of when they received the assigned asset and, if applicable, when they returned the item back to the organisation. 

For a complete overview of how to use the asset register, click here.


By default, managers can access the assets feature in their reporting employee's file. However, using the Custom Security Permission feature, you can enable a group of users the permission to view the asset details in the employee file. Even if they are not a manger and the employees are not in their reporting line. To read further details on this feature refer to the following article.

Watch the video tutorial

Managing Assets video


Viewing assigned assets
  1. Click the People menu.
  2. Click the Employees List submenu.
  3. Select the employee whose assigned assets need viewing
  4. Select the Asset management tile.

Explore related content

  • Use the asset register Learn how to use the complete range of features in the asset register.
  • Asset Disposal Reporting This feature allows you to create a report on the assets disposed of within your organisation, the reason for this action, and any comments left.
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