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How do I build an emergency contacts report via the HR platform?

The outcome of this project is that you will have created an emergency contacts report. Before being able to use the Custom Reports feature, you will need to activate Two Factor Authentication. To read details on how to activate Two Factor Authentication, refer to the following article.

HR Best Practice

Having your employees emergency contact details immediately accessible and up-to-date will support you in knowing exactly who to call in the unfortunate event of an emergency or accident at work.


HR Plan:   Premium   Platinum
  User Access:   Employee         Manager         Admin      

  This is the default access level per user and whether they have  view,  edit and  delete access, excluding any changes made via our Custom Security feature.


You can use the Custom Report feature to build a report on all the emergency contact details your employees provided during their onboarding workflow or updated in their employee file.

Build an emergency contacts report
  1. Click the  Reports menu.
  2. Click the Other reports tab.
  3. Click the Custom Report box.
    screenshot of the other reports tab in the reports page, with a highlight on the custom reports box
  4. Click the Create New Report button.
    screenshot of the customs report page, with a highlight on the create new report button
  5. Enter “Emergency Contacts Report” in the Report name field.
  6. Enter what this report will cover in the Description field.
  7. Include or exclude terminated employees in the report.
  8. Select Emergency Contacts from the Report Type drop-down.
  9. Click the Create button.
    screenshot of the page where you can enter the details of your custom report

    Helpful Hint

    You will now see your emergency contacts report on your screen. To read more information on how to edit, download, and delete a custom report, refer to the following article.

    screenshot of the page showing the custom report you ran

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