Week twelve 2023 | Release Notes

Welcome to this week's release notes. Employment Hero's product teams have been busy releasing updates to Swag, our Talent Acquisition module, and adding new features to our payroll platform. You can find out more by clicking on the relevant section below. 

HR platform
From workplace compliance updates to our talent acquisition module employing Chat GPT to help auto-populate job listings globally, we have seen impressive growth across our HR platform this week.

Workplace Compliance UI Refresh Recruitment

Ability to download individual safety incident reports as a CSV
22nd of March 2023

To support external use of incident reports, we have made it possible to download individual safety reports as a CSV .

Payroll platform
Dimensions New Bank files

Bulk assign dimensions values

22nd of March 2023

As part of continuous enhancements to the Dimensions feature, we now allow users to bulk allocate dimension values to specific employees. Previously, we assigned all employees to each dimension value. We implemented this enhancement to make assigning dimension values to earnings in a pay run more manageable.

It also allows us to more confidently build dimensions into timesheets. Lastly, it will make sure that employees were only choosing from a list of relevant dimension values as opposed to selecting from a list of possible 100s of dimension values. When adding or editing an existing dimension value, users can now assign the value to:

  • All employees, or
  • A select list of employees, or
  • Employees whose primary location is x, and/or
  • Employees who have a specific tag(s) attached to their file, and/or
  • Employees assigned to a specific location, and/or
  • Employees with a specific employee group.

We have updated the existing dimension APIs to include this enhanced configuration.


We are continually driving our superapp forward with new ideas and developments. Over the last week we have expanded our Jobs and Spend account features.

Swag profile Spend account

Verified work history for offboards
March the 20th 2023

The aim of this update is to create a frictionless journey for offboards to complete their Swag Profile. We invite all employees offboarding to complete their Swag app profile and to create a verified Work history complete with a badge.

Global Teams
Job Title Optimisation

Job title optimisation for remote jobs
23rd of March 2023

With the Job Title Optimisation feature, users can create a remote job in the Recruitment module and then use this feature  to append remote to their job titles.

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