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Week thirteen 2023 | Release Notes

Welcome to this week's release notes. It has been a busy week for our Swag product team with v.2.2.0 released on the 30th of March, and a busy week for our HR product team with new updates to our Workplace Compliance and Recruitment modules . Read on below for further details. 

HR platform

Workplace Compliance Talent acquisition Public Holiday Update

Add archived status to certification custom report
27th of March 2023

To allow more customisation when building reports for certifications, we now support the exclusion of archived certifications. It means you get the most relevant data included in the reports. 

UX enhancements to issuing documents
28th March 2023

The optional content group name now appears in the In-line editor when editing a document, allowing you to quickly identify which optional content belongs to which group. It only appears if you have created a group name in the advanced template editor. We also added a toggle switch to Highlight variables into the review step of issuing documents which shows which variables you edited.

Payroll platform

Enhancement to statutory forms

Enhancement to statutory forms for multiple employing entities
29th March 2023

We have made some enhancements to the below statutory forms so that if a company has multiple employing entities, details of the employing entity will be captured under the Employer Setail section of these forms.

  • IRB new employee registration (CP22).
  • IRB employee termination notification (CP22A).
  • EIS new employee registration (Borang SIP 2A).
  • SOCSO new employee registration (Borang 2).
  • SOSCO employee termination notification (Borang 3).
  • SOCSO monthly contribution (Borang 8A).
  • EPF monthly contribution (KWSP 6 Borang A)

This week sees the release of Swag v.2.2.0 on 30th March 2023.

Swag Resume Archived Key Results Work Profile

We have provided candidates the ability to download a resume version of their Swag profile so you can include it in your job application process.

AI Driven Summaries Leave requests

31st March 2021

We have incorporated the AI of GPT Turbo 3.5 to help users save time when coming up with well-written Personal and Work Experience Summaries. Users can click on our Magic Wand feature an if your summaries are empty, we will generate a summary from scratch based off your profile information.

If you have inputted an existing summary, we will enhance what you have written. There is also the added feature of placeholder prompts in the Personal and Experience Summary fields to suggest to users of what to input.

Global Teams

Global Teams Offboarding
27th March 2023

When offboarding Global Teams employees, admin users can now provide all required information for employee resignations.

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