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Week 5 2023 | Release Notes

Welcome to this week's release notes. We have been busy as always and have released a wide range of updates to our Employment Hero platfoms. Please see below for our new updates.


HR platform
Interview Scheduling Employee Onboarding EH Dashboard

To enhance our existing Microsoft Outlook and recruitment module integration, we have added the ability to schedule an interview directly from the Recruitment module. The feature also enables recruiters to create, edit, and delete a schedule from the module and track all created schedules.

EH payroll platform
Bulk update leave balances in a pay run

Currently, adjusting leave balances can be a time-consuming process if there are multiple employees that require changes to leave balances. Due to only being able to adjust leave for one employee at a time. So this enhancement will mean that multiple employee leave balances can be adjusted in a single bulk action. 

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