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As an employer or admin, how do I use Hero AI via the HR platform?

Available for the following HR plan Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Employee, Manager, Admin

HeroBot (also known as Hero AI) is an AI-powered chatbot designed to provide instant answers about the Employment Hero platform. As an admin, you can use HeroBot to locate features and learn how to use them quickly. Drawing information from our help centre, HeroBot eliminates the need to browse through documentation—just ask a question and receive an immediate response.

Getting started

Accessing Hero AI to view policy documents
  1. Log into your Employment Hero HR platform
  2. Click the Ask Hero AI button.
    Screenshot of where to click ask hero ai button highlighted
  3. Type your HR/general work question into the text box, then click the Ask button.
    screenshot of where to type your question and click ask
Accessing Hero AI to ask a general HR or work enquiry
  1. Log into your Employment Hero HR platform
  2. Click the Ask Hero AI button.
    Screenshot of where to click ask hero ai button highlighted
  3. Type your HR/general work question into the text box, then click the Ask button.
    screenshot of where to type your question and click ask

Frequently asked questions

What kind of policy information will I see?

Hero AI does not maintain any kind of context of the user i.e. which region the user is in, or if the user is a manager or employee. Instead, access controls are determined based on the user permissions to view policies.

It means if an organisation has set up policies in a way that allows UK users to view UK-related policies and AU users to view AU-related policies, then Hero AI will also adhere to this access control. You can only see the policies you are eligible to see based on your User Access. 

How does the Hero AI work?

We use a Large Language Model (LLM) to process your org's policies so that we can give a reply to your employees if they ask a policy-related question. When an employee asks Hero AI a question, the platform identifies the most relevant policy or policies based on this comparison. In addition to policy-related questions, Hero AI also answers general HR and career questions. 

Helpful Hint

No data is stored anywhere but within our secure ecosystem. It is purely processed by a Large Language Model (LLM) API. Neither we nor the Large Language Model (LLM) use ‌client data for model training purposes.

What types of questions can I ask Hero AI?

When Hero AI is used on the Australia, UK, and New Zealand regions of Employment Hero, it searches the Help Centre to find answers.

Accordingly, it can answer many questions such as: 'How do I manage leave?', 'How do I use two-factor authentication?', and 'How do I generate a report on employee headcounts?'.

Hero AI also has two in-built features, which are available on all regions of Employment Hero: Policies and WorkCoach.

  • Its Policies feature searches through your company's policy information. This means you can ask it questions that are specific to your organisation, such as:

    • How is long service leave calculated?
    • What is my company's parental leave policy?
    • What is my company's work from home policy?

  • Its WorkCoach feature provides management and career guidance. It answers questions based on users' personal information such as their HR platform, job title and role (i.e. manager, admin, employee, or owner). This means you can ask it questions such as:

    • What skills should I display to help my career development?
    • What kind of training certifications will help me in my role?
    • How can I improve my work relationships?
Does my company have to upload policy information to Hero AI?

Yes. If your company has not uploaded the policy information, you will receive the below message:

I am designed to answer questions about your organisation’s policies. Currently, I cannot find any policies for your organisation. Please contact your admin to add relevant policies.

If anything if missing from Hero AI that you feel is needed, please contact your administrator. 

Where is my company's policy information stored?
Your company's policy information is stored in your HR platform, and no third-party storage apps are used.

Web form request

Ask HeroBot a question via a web form

You must be logged in to submit a request via a webform.

  1. Go to the Submit a request page.
  2. Enter the following fields:
    • CC (optional)
    • Country
    • Desktop or mobile app?
    • Select a product
    • Topic
    • Request details to help us answer your requirements.
    • Add any attachments you think might help.
  3. Click Send.
    Submit HR
  4. HeroBot will email you an in-depth answer and links to other resources. You can respond to the email to:
    • Ask another question
    • Talk to a support agent.
  5. Another way to access the HeroBot's answer to the request you submitted:
    1. Click your profile picture on the top of the help centre, then click My activities.
    2. A list of requests will display, click the one you want an answer for.
      Submit request 2
    3. HeroBot will give an answer to your question.

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