James Nixon
Employment Hero's resident technical writer who is experienced in creating and maintaining a SAAS HelpCentre through Zendesk Guide
Grant Clock Me In access on the Payroll platform
Available for the following Payroll plans: Standard, Premium As an organisation, by using time and attendance software, your managers and admins can track and monitor when your employees start and ...
Use my to-do list and manage my tasks
Available for the following HR plans: Standard, Premium, PlatinumAvailable for the following user access levels: Employee , Manager , Admin You can organise your tasks into a structured list...
Why has the remember me time for my two-factor authentication code reduced | Payroll FAQ
Question Why has the remember me time for my two-factor authentication code reduced? Availability Payroll Plan: Standard Premium Answer We have changed the time for the 2FA (two-facto...
Handle your learning enrolments
Available for the following Learning plans: Standard, Plus The Enrolment Management module allows you to select a course and bulk import users to assign to said learning material. You can then send...
Make an employee a company admin
Available for the following HR plans: Free, Standard, Premium, PlatinumAvailable for the following user access levels: Admin Helpful Hint By default, account owners have admin access and if you...
Bulk-import employees via CSV file
Available for the following HR plans: Premium, PlatinumAvailable for the following user access level: Admin Updating your employee records individually is a very time-consuming process, which i...
Report a safety incident
Available for the following HR Plan: Premium, PlatinumAvailable for the following User Access levels: Employee , Manager , Admin The Report an Incident feature lets you write a safety inc...
Clock in and Out live view reporting
Available for the following Payroll plans: Standard, Premium The Live View report displays real-time clock-in activity generated via Clock Me In (CMI) and Employment Hero Work (to view the CMI app,...
Manage roster unavailability on the HR platform
Available for the following HR Plan: PlatinumAvailable for the following User Access levels: Employee, Manager, Admin Rostering Management lets you add, allocate, delete, publish, and unpublish...
SmartMatch questions answered via the HR platform
Watch a video Watch a SmartMatch video Learn more about SmartMatch Getting Started: What is SmartMatch for employers via the HR platform? Questions Getting started What is SmartMatch? How...