James Nixon
Employment Hero's resident technical writer who is experienced in creating and maintaining a SAAS HelpCentre through Zendesk Guide
Payroll FAQ: How do I restore deleted items
Question How do I restore deleted payroll items? Availability Payroll Plan: Standard Premium Answer Inadvertently deleting certain business settings can have huge unintended consequen...
Payroll FAQ: How do I download my chart of accounts configuration data
Question How do I extract my chart of accounts configuration data? Availability Payroll Plan: Standard Premium Answer The Data Extract feature enables you to download your chart of ac...
Payroll FAQ: How do I download my employee benefits in kind data
Question How do I download my employee benefits in kind data? Availability Payroll Plan: Standard Premium Answer The Data Extract feature enables you to download your employee benefit...
Payroll FAQ: How do I download my pay category data
Question How do I download my pay category data? Availability Payroll Plan: Standard Premium Answer The Data Extract feature enables you to download your pay category data stored with...
Payroll FAQ: How do I download my employer liability category data
Question How do I download my employer liability category data? Availability Payroll Plan: Standard Premium Answer The Data Extract feature enables you to download your employer liabi...
Payroll FAQ: How do I download my employee group member data
Question How do I download my employee group member data? Availability Payroll Plan: Standard Premium Answer The Data Extract feature enables you to download your employee group membe...
Payroll FAQ: How do I download my journal account data
Question How do I download my journal account data? Availability Payroll Plan: Standard Premium Answer The Data Extract feature enables you to download your journal account data store...
Payroll FAQ: How do I download my user access permissions data
Question How do I download my user access permissions data? Availability Payroll Plan: Standard Premium Answer The Data Extract feature enables you to download your user access permis...
Payroll FAQ: How do I download my pay rate template data
Question How do I download my pay rate template data? Availability Payroll Plan: Standard Premium Answer The Data Extract feature enables you to download your pay rate template data s...
Payroll FAQ: How do I enable automatic approval of timesheets that match the roster
Question How do I enable automatic approval of timesheets that match the roster? Availability Payroll Plan: Standard Premium Answer The Timesheet Setting feature within the Payroll Se...